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Author's note: Please do not kill me because of this :'( I know how much darker the plot has become. Do not read and feel free to skip the chapter if you are uncomfortable with the said topic. the event will be mentioned in the future chapter.


Warning: The content of this chapter might be triggering for some people. Do not proceed if you are sensitive to the topic (Strong Language and Violence towards Elderly and animals). You have been warned.

Please feel free to correct my writings! :)


Levi, Interrogation

I glance around the small living room, examining every picture hanging on the walls. All of them seems old, mostly shown a little Asian girl smiles happily to the camera. I move my gaze to the toppled down small frames that are placed on top of the fireplaces and lifts one of them. Inside of it, shows the couple in their younger years with the same little girl, smiling happily at the camera as well. It seems the family had a harmonious life once. Never thought their fate will turn into this, where once your source of past happiness is the cause of your present pain. I toss the frame into the lit fireplace. The fire gladly devours the frame and it's content, erasing the presence of the once happy memory that is frozen on the piece of paper.

My steps are accompanied by the sound of shattered glasses, as the pieces of broken types of furniture litter on the house. The place had actually been ransacked by the subordinates and they have found nothing to indicate her whereabouts. But they do gain some of her old belongings that surely contains her DNA, so at least that's quite useful. I slowly inhale and exhales my breath as I rack my brain, thinking of a way how to extract pieces of information as well to keep them quiet without terminating the sources.

Sir Sakda suddenly changes his mind last minute, sparing the lives of this old couple. It honestly makes things harder in my part, silencing but not killing them. I turn my gaze towards the said couple, who now returns my stare with glares on their pearly black orbs while the woman holding on a corpse of a white small dog that I killed not long ago. Her hands are visibly trembling as she protectively hugs the carcass, ignoring the blood that is wetting her arms. Its flesh can be seen through the slashes that I did. The dog doesn't even shape like one anymore. I must've been too eager to torture that small animal. They currently sit on the small old sofa that looks so beaten up as the old woman's eyes are drenched in tears, might be because of her grieve of losing that dog. After all, it looks valuable to them.

Sir Sakda told me to not kill the humans, so it doesn't matter if I kill the other beings, right?

"Who send you?" The old man asks me, earning my attention. I didn't answer back and turn my gaze to the black dog that is now in the old man's arms, might be going to be my next target. It barks loudly, showing its fangs to me as if trying to taunt me. Should I do the same thing to it? Or is it better if I just mutilate it limbs while it still alive? There are many options but I think it'll just prolong the interrogation time. Maybe it's just better to threaten using one of the humans instead, at least one of them will answer my question.

This thought has been swirling in my head for quite a long time. I can't understand how humans have an affection for animals. We are already different species. Plus, animals are very noisy. They're only beings that created just to exist and be our source of nutrition. Nothing more, nothing less. It's sound stupid to have compassion towards them. The animal as well, stupidly trying to protect its owner. But in a sense, this dog is like me, willingly to give its life to its master. Protecting them with its life. The thought suddenly stunned me, warn me that I shouldn't mock the dog too much. Because that thing resembles my role.

Safe Haven - Book One [BxB|18+]✓Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt