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Upon entering the building Jungkook is met by snooty looking middle aged woman in glasses tapping away at her computer.

"Can I help you." She says not breaking eye contact with her computer screen.

"My name is Jeon Jungkook I'm going down to earth today." She glaces at before pointing to a set of doors to his left.

"Though there Amber will take you from there." Jungkook mutters a quick thanks you before heading though the doors. He enters a room industrial looking with what look like pods lining the walls. Checking one of the pods is a lady holding a clipboard and a pen presumably going though a last minutecheck list.

"Hello the lady at the desk said to come here."

"Of course you must be Jungkook. Just one second. Don't get many people going to earth any more." Speaks fast as she scribbles down some notes onto a clip board before turning to talk to Jungkook again.

"Pod number 81 will be the one we are using today. I'll just need you to go and set your bags on that counter over there and change into this. You can change in the changing room right off the the left of though doors there." She had Jungkook a red jumpsuit as he goes to set his bag down and get changed. He comes back not long after.

"What do I do about my clothes?"

"Put the in here. I'll tie it to your bag so there don't get lost in transit.now that you are all prepped and ready to go climb on in to pod number 81." Jungkook clibs into a large metal tub she calls a pod leaving the door open. She then walks over pressing some buttons on a circuit board beside the door. She then opens a pannel putting his bags in the top of the pod.

"Coordinates all set. Just need to close the door." Her words become muffed and he can't make out what she says. Next thing he knows he hears a click coming form his feet and then a whoosh. As he can no longer see the room he was once in instead he can see the clouds as he falls down to earth. A parachute is released as he gently falls to earth not taking that long. He lands on top of an fancey apartment complex. Waiting for him a a man dressed in a tux. He let's Jungkook out of the pod and grabs his bags before leading him to his new home.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2020 ⏰

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