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Sukara was more excited than nervous to talk to Voya about having a sibling. They sat her down in the living room so that they were all comfortable. With her small legs dangling off of the sofa, she looked up at her parents, waiting for them to speak.

"So turtleduck, Mommy and I wanted to speak to you about something that we decided we want to do," Sukara told her, "we want to have a baby, so you'd have a sibling."

Voya nodded. Staring up at the both of them. "Like you and uncle Kai?"

"Yeah just like that," Sukara smiled, tucking a piece of hair out of Voya's face, "would you like that?"

Voya nodded excited, jumping a little in her seat, "when are they coming?"

"Well, we don't know yet baby," Kuvira explained, leaning forward a little, "this time, we're doing it a little differently. You see there's someone we need to speak to and then if everything goes well, we'll need to wait for a while until we meet the baby."

"Why?" Voya asked, listening intently as her mother spoke.

"You see, the baby needs to grow first," Kuvira continued, taking a moment to think about how she was going to explain it, "you know how when we went to see Iroh a couple weeks ago and he showed you the the turtleduck eggs and he explained how they were growing in there to keep them safe until they were ready?"


"Well it's kinda the same, but with people the babys stay inside us until they're ready to keep them safe," Kuvira told her, gesturing to her stomach to try and help her understand more, "so that's why we have to wait."

Voya nodded again, showing that she understood.

"So what do you think?" Sukara asked, placing a hand gently on her back, "because we want you to be excited about this too. You know you can tell us whatever you're thinking about it."

Voya stopped bouncing for a second to think. She had a little frown on her face as she thought about it.

"Are they in there now?" Voya asked, leaning in and poking Kuvira's stomach a little.

"No," Kuvira chuckled, gently grabbing her hand to stop her tickling her, "not now. We wanted to talk to you first. We want you to know what's going on the whole time because this is your family too."

"Yeah, we're going to do this together," Sukara added, giving Voya a smile.

Voya smiled back, clearly happy with the situation.

"Momma?" Voya asked, looking up at Sukara with her big blue eyes.

"Yes baby."

"Can we go for kale cookies?" Voya asked, giving the cutest smile she could.

Sukara laughed a little and sighed, "No."

"As a treat," Voya tried to plead with her, "for the baby."

"Voya there's something in them that you're allergic to," Sukara told her as she stood up from the sofa, "I'm not going to feed you something that makes you sick."

Voya just made a pouting face and turned to look at Kuvira for support.

"We could go for something else," Kuvira suggested, not able to stay strong against her little face, "how about sugar cookies?"

Voya frowned, not wanting to change her mind on the kale cookies. She didn't care that they made her stomach ache afterwards, they tasted nice when she was eating them and that was enough for her.

"Listen, if you can think of something that you aren't allergic to, then we'll go," Sukara said, trying to reason with the stubborn toddler, "let me know where you wanna go okay?"

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