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The people started to examine Jane, showing something inside the girl.

"What's that?" Jane asked

"Be still" Eir instructed. Tyra and Thor watched the nurses as they done their job.

"It will be fine" Tyra tried to reassure

"This is not of Earth, what is it?" Thor asked the nurse

"We do not know, but she will not survive the amount of energy surging within her" The nurse responded. Tyra gave her a small glare causing her to walk away leaving the two siblings together

"That's a quantum field generator, isn't it?" Jane asked Eir

"It's a Soul Forge" Eir corrected her

"Does a Soul Forge transfer molecular energy from one place to another?" Jane asked, getting an impressive look from Eir

"Yes" Eir answered before Jane turned to look at Thor and Tyra

"It's a quantum field generator" She whispered causing the two to laugh.

"Fathers coming and he is angry" Tyra whispered to Thor as then Odin walked through into the room, seeing Jane being examined

"My words are mere noises to you that you ignore them completely?" Odin asked his children

"She's ill" Thor argued

"She is mortal. Illness is their defining trait" Odin stated

"please" Tyra begged

"I brought here because we can help her" Thor added

"She does not belong here in Asgard anymore than a goat belongs at a banquet table" Odin stated, Jane sat up looking at the two royals

"Did he just...?" Jane scoffed pointing towards Odins direction
"Who do you think you are?" Jane asked Odin

"I'm Odin. King of Asgard. Protector of the Nine Realms" Odin stated

"Oh. Well, I'm..." Jane stumbled but Odin cut her off

"I know very well who you are, Jane Foster" The statement made Jane turn back to Thors direction

"You told your Dad about me?" Jane asked and Tyra smirked

"Something is within her, father, something I have not seen before" Thor told Odin

"Her world has its healers, their called doctors, let them deal with it. Guards, take her back to Midgard" Odin instructed. Two guards came into the room and tried to grab Jane. The force sent of a huge blast of energy out. The two guards got blasted aside while Tyra screamed in agony as she fell to the floor. The nurses around ran to Tyra, trying to see what was happening

"Don't touch her!" Thor yelled to the people about Jane, he looked at Tyra before he turned back to Jane
"Jane, are you alright?" Thor asked her and she nodded. Tyra was pulled up by a few nurses and she shakenly leaned on them for support before she could calm down. Odin walked over to Jane, waved his hand over her arm.

"That's impossible" Odin stated, recognizing the force within Jane's body

"The infection, it's defending her" Eir stated

"No, it's defending itself" Thor corrected

"Come with me" Odin instructed. Tyra gained her strength as she then was about to follow them

"No, you stay here. Eir, can you make sure she is okay?" Thor asked before he left and Eir nodded.

"I am fine, really" Tyra said to Eir

Tyra, Daughter Of OdinWhere stories live. Discover now