Bloody Mary Beginning-Day 2 Story 1

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There was a girl named Marry who was a witch. She would always steal the souls of young girls and stealing their youth. When young girls started to go missing left and right, Mary began to get younger and younger. Every one suspected that it was Mary it was just that they were scarred to confront her. She could have sent a curse to them to kill their cattle or wrote their food supply. One day a young girl by the name of Angela Malli awoke suddenly and walked out of the cabin. The parents hearing the creaking door walked out side and followed the girl into the woods. The mom ran back to get the other villagers while her father followed. Just before Mary was going to stab Angela her father shot her in the arm. Mary was taken back to the village, where she was burned on the steak in front of a mirror (so she could see herself) She cursed the Malli's and swore to kill them off.

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