Chapter Thirteen: I Loved... I Think

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I never wanted to hurt you. I promise. But when you found out about everything I panicked. Just like Beck.

And no, you're nothing like Beck. Trust me. Nothing like her. You never cheated on me. You never hid anything from me, you never did anything that you knew would hurt me. In that case, you're nothing like any other girl that I loved.



You're a goddamned Angel compared to Candace. And Beck, I'm sorry. But I had to. I had to hurt you.

I need to stop thinking about you.

"I know in my heart... that that is not you."

Yes. You knew. And I have changed now. For the better. I'm truly in love with Mia. I'd die for her. And... I mean it this time.

Peach only said it you because she was crazy about you. Obsessed with you.

I'm not obsessed with you Mia. I just...

love you.

"Hey, what are you doing tonight?" Ethan questioned.

"Working." I answered. "As usual."

"Blythe wanted to go to this "Author Meet". That's what she's calling it. You should come." Ethan suggested.

I rolled my eyes. "Ethan."

"Apparently Stephen King is going to be there." He said in a singing voice.

I raised an eyebrow and then all of my attention was on him. "You're kidding."

"Dead serious, my friend."

I sighed. "Pass."

"What? You love him.... Beck loved him."

"I got to go." I said, while walking to the basement.

Why am I not surprised that you would say that? Oh, right. Because at the end of the day, people are just too predictable. It's a shame.

But he is right, I love Stephen King. Who doesn't? I have to take care of something though.

I turned the light on. And there you were. You look like you haven't had any sleep. And all your food is still in tact.


You're broken.


Mia's Point Of View

All I could do was stare at my best friend's dead body.

Yes, she was my best friend. Regardless of all the bullshit she did.

All I could do was stare at her. I don't think I've realized that I'm going to die, in a gigantic glass cage, in a bookstore. And I'm with-


"I'm sorry."

That was all you could say.

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