But You Like Her Better (f.w) [p.1]

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Summary: You've liked Fred Weasley for as long as you can remember, but does he like you back?

Reader's House: not said

Warnings: aNGST BIG TIME ANGST, umm mentions of not eating? Idk how to word it

A/N: sigh. based off another song. Heather by Conan Gray. just lemme go cry while i wear my fred sweater. also ik i just recently posted a fic butttt i was listening to this song and got the idea and had time so i wrote it! also italics are flashbacks!!!! if you enjoy my writing please consider buying me a coffee! the link to my kofi is on my profile!

Word Count: 1,218 (not counting song lyrics)

Hermione frowned as she followed your line of sight, seeing you, yet again, looking at Fred and Angelina

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Hermione frowned as she followed your line of sight, seeing you, yet again, looking at Fred and Angelina. He had his arm around her waist as he talked to his twin brother. All at once, he pulled her closer, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. Your breath hitched at that and Hermione turned to you, moving in front of you so you couldn't see Fred. Your glassy eyes locked with hers and she frowned even more.

"Oh, Y/N..." She said softly, pulling you into a tight hug.

Your chin rested on her shoulder as you let out a shaky breath. You couldn't help but open your eyes and sneak another glance at them. Although you immediately regretted it, the sight of them giving each other a quick kiss making even more tears fill your eyes. A small sob left your lips and you hugged the girl tighter, your eyes squeezing shut as you buried your face into her shoulder. What you didn't see was Fred taking a glance over Angelina's shoulder, frowning heavily at the sight of you, a pang of sadness hitting him.

I still remember third of December

Me in your sweater, you said it looked better

On me, than it did you, only if you knew

How much I liked you

You let out a small laugh as Fred pulled something over your head. Sticking your arms through the sleeves you looked down to see the familiar 'F' of one of Molly Weasley's hand-knitted sweaters. The sweater was much too big for you, the sleeves going over your hands, and the bottom of it ending around mid-thigh. Letting out a small gasp you grinned up at Fred. He mirrored your smile and took your hands in his.

"This is the one I got last Christmas. Since I'll be getting another soon I thought you should have this one. Plus it looks better on you than it ever did on me." He said, lacing your fingers together and swinging your hands lightly.

"Thank you, Fred... I love it." You said softly, the bright smile not leaving your lips.

But I watch your eyes

As she walks by

What a sight for sore eyes

Brighter than the blue sky

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