I'm A Fool (f.w) [p.2]

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Part Two Of But You Like Her Better

Summary: You've finally started to try and get over Fred Weasley. But what happens when he finally realizes what he's done?

Reader's House: not said 

Warnings: a bit of angst but it ends with fluff!! cursing!

A/N: i know you guys have been waiting for this one! hope it's up to your expectations! any and all feedback is appreciated! also it's partly based off of Waves by The Vamps! pls listen to them, they're one of my favorite bands! if you enjoy my writing please consider buying me a coffee! the link to my coffee is on my profile!

Word Count: 1,890 (not counting song lyrics)

Fred hesitantly looked away from you, not really wanting to though

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Fred hesitantly looked away from you, not really wanting to though. Angelina looked up at him, placing her hands on his chest.

"You okay?" She asked, not noticing you sobbing into Hermione's shoulder behind him.

Fred looked down at her, the gears once again turning in his head. He opened his mouth to speak but no words came out. Angelina raised an eyebrow at his sudden silence since he was usually very talkative.

"I gotta go, I'll see you later." He finally mumbled, pulling away from her touch and walking away without even giving her a kiss goodbye.

Angelina furrowed her eyebrows, turning to George who only shrugged his shoulders.

Although George acted clueless, he knew what his twin was thinking about. He knew he'd finally realized his mistakes.

My hands are shaking

Holding photos taken

And I wanna get you out of my head

I'm bruised and broken

By the words I've spoken

And there's not much of me left

Fred let out a sigh, his hands shaking as he fingered through pictures of the two of you. In each of them, you had this huge smile on your face, a smile that was only seen when the two of you were together. Fred couldn't remember the last time he'd saw that smile.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't forget you. You haunted his mind every second of every day.

The two of you had been friends for years, ever since you sat in the train compartment the twins had been in when the three of you were heading to Hogwarts for the first time.

When the three of you entered your third year, Fred had realized that he had feelings for you. Of course, he thought you didn't feel the same way. So he got with Angelina, thinking she could help him get over you. Yeah, he thought Angelina was pretty, I mean who didn't? But he didn't like her like he liked you. He loved you.

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