Chapter 14: Super Smash Bros

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I have a test today, so guess what!

I'm writing instead of studying!




Word Count: ~3.6 K (WHAAAAT)


TW: small arguments, brothers fighting, panic attacks


POV: Xizara


I hate Xisuma.

He's making me get outside and socialize.


My idiot brother threw me a paper with a list of things he needs and sent me to get it, saying I needed to get out of the house while he went to an Admin meeting.

It's a bunch of bull.

So here I am, being dragged around by a wide-eyed Keralis as he shows me all of the shops. 

He told me that he wanted Scar and Bdubs to hang out and hopefully confess. Confess what, I can only guess. 

After forever, Keralis showed me the last shop. "And this is the knock-off concrete shop!" 

"Okay...Thank you but...can I go now?"

"Yep! I gotta go! Bye smexy Hermit!" With that, he turned around and launched himself into the air, flying away.

What. The. Heck?

I shook my head at the crazy player before heading to the shop that he said had wood. My heart stopped, though, when I saw people up there. I lowered my head and walked up to the blimp, trying not to be seen in broad daylight.

It didn't work.

"Xizara?" Ren called out.

"Hi...I just need wood."

"Okay, what kind?" 

I checked the paper. "3 stacks of spruce."

"Coming right up!" The Cannis shuffled through a chest and pulled out three tiny, pixelated logs. They floated above his palm as he walked over to me. I held out my hand as Ren turned his over, dropping the stacks of logs into my palm. I pulled my hand up, closing my fist, and the logs disappeared into my inventory. 

"Thank you. How much?"

"6 diamonds!" I nodded, pulling out the diamonds from my inventory and passed them to Ren. 

Much to my dismay, Doc, who had been standing back, came forward and pulled Ren back, sending me a glare. I turned to leave but heard the Flare whisper harshly do the Cannis.

"Why did you help him?"

My blood spiked and I spun around, facing the duo. "I don't know 'bout you, but helping is what good people do. You obviously have no experience in that," I snapped, unable to hold back my anger.

"Oh and you do?"

"More than you, yes."

The pissed Flare stomped over to me, grabbing me by the collar and pulling me closer to him so our faces were mere inches apart.

(now kiss! I'm sorry...)

"Listen, traitor. Stay away from Ren. Stay away from me. In fact stay away from everyone. Got it?" he spit.

I held a smug look, not backing down even though I was terrified. "And if I don't"

"I'll hurt you." The way he said it made it sound like he wanted me to go close to another Hermit just so he could hurt me. I gulped, but pushed down my terror, and smirked. 

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