Chapter 22

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   Walking through the diner I cover my mouth and nose with my t-shirt gagging at the smell of rotting food. "Jesus" I walk to the back and open cabinet after cabinet looking for something this dog can eat. I see a big can of green beans and a small can of pineapples. "Welp this will have to work" I sigh grabbing the two cans, before I turn around I see a blue plastic bowl. I grab the bowl with my mouth and head out of the nasty building. Opening the door I see the dog sitting there. I get on my knees and bend down to put the bowl on the ground. I sit back up and put the cans on the ground along with my bat. I pull out my knife and stab a hole in both.

I push them towards him "Pick" I smile when he licks the green beans. But that smile is instantly gone when he licks the pineapple. "Why, I was hoping I could he eat that" I whine, he looks up at me with almost a smile. I roll my eyes and huff "Fine we'll share" I take my knife and start stabbing the cans grunting with each stab. I get half the green beans open and push back the metal so I pour it out. I do the same with the pineapples but by the time I'm done I'm huffing and the dogs just sitting there looking at me. I dump the beans in the bowl and he starts digging in, I sit back and smile as I start eating my pineapples. I look up and he's licking his mouth and staring at me. I sigh again and dump some pineapples out for him.

I continue eating trying to think of a name. I get full and dump the last few out for him which he eats gladly. Sitting back I pat my stomach "Now that was a good lunch now wasn't it." He looks at me then back at the can I turn the can over to show him it's empty and he whines. I pick up my water bottle and dump out the juice in the bowl so I can fill it up. I see a car pull up I grab my bat standing up. Hershel steps out of the car and somberly walks to the bar, I follow him in and sit next to him picking up a glass and sliding it over. "Your dad let you drink" I smile "He's my uncle and he lets me have one every now and then." He looks at me and I put my hands up "I'll only have one okay." I reassure with an innocent smile and he pours the drink.

I sip on mine as he downs two more "What happened I heard gunshots" he shakes his head and finishes off his glass. "You don't have to tell me I'll ask daryl" I take another sip of the of the warming liquid as we fall into a comfortable silence. I grab my bat when someone walks into the bar.
Sighing for the millionth time I giggle when I see the fuzzy face walk towards me. The dog jumps and runs away when rick and glenn walk through the door "Great you scared him off, meanies" I grumble turning around. "Hershel" rick calls out "Who's with you" he asks as he finishes the drink "Glenn" rick answers casually.

Hershel smiles "Maggie sent him" footsteps walk towards the bar "He volunteered he's good like that." I look back as rick puts his hand on my back "Are you okay" I nod my head and finish off the drink. "How many you had" rick turns to hershel "Not enough" he pours himself another and I turn my glass upside down. "Let's finish this up back at home Beth collapsed she's in some sort of state, must be in shock I think you are to." Rick tries to bargain with hershel to get him to leave. I stand up and walk to glenn hugging him "What happened I heard gun shots" I whisper. He sighs pulling me further away "The barn was full of walkers shane opened it and we did what we had to....Sophia she was in there to." I cover my mouth and put my hand on his shoulder walking back to the bar.

I'm behind rick hearing everything say "She needs her mother or rather to she should of done weeks ago I robbed her of that I see that now" He scolds himself taking a drink. "You thought there was a cure, can't blame yourself for holding out for hope" It's silent for a second "Hope, when I first saw you running across my field with your boy in your arms, I had little hope he's survive."
"Then he did" rick responds trying to lift the man up "He did, even though we lost otis your man shane made it back and we saved your boy, that was the miracle that proves to me miracles do exist....only it was a sham a bait and switch...I was a fool rick and your people saw daughters deserve better than that." Hershel puts his glass down and fills it up again.

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