Deals and Knights

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Brielle POV

After we had our minute to breathe, Harry helped me to my feet and took a second to let the blood rush to my head from lying down for so long. Harry kept his arms securely around me, I could feel he was still scared so I let him hold me of course. It makes us both feel better why wouldn't I?

"Hold on, where's yer crown darlin'?"

Harry asked, immediately I felt myself sink some. Out of all the things that have happened to me personally so far, stealing my crown from me is the thing that Audrey's done that's hurt the most. That's obviously besides attacking my kingdom and putting everyone to sleep at all. I sighed and looked away from Harry at the empty safe,

"Audrey... stole it"

I said quietly, slowly looking down and taking a deep sigh as some more people wandered into my office, that being Harriet, CJ, Gil, and Celia. Harry took a deep breath and gently tipped my chin up with his finger,

"Aw, I'm sorry darlin', I'm really sorry about that"

Harri sincerely said before gently taking his hand behind my head to lightly place my head on his chest. I smiled a little bit again at the supportive gesture and noticed Celia looking around like crazy. I giggled some as she spun around a few times, looking straight up at my bookshelves and the glittering golden chandelier above. Harry looked over to her too when he realized I was looking elsewhere and chuckled too,

"Impressive isn't it?"

Harry said to her, making her look at us some,

"Yeah... what even is all this? It's like some crazy cool library"

She asked. Harry loosened his grip on me some so I could look at Celia more,

"This is my office, if you ever need any book recommendations I've read everything in here so I'm sure I could get you something"

I stated, making Celia's eyes go wide,

"I'm in... the Queen's office right now... and she just offered to find me books... woah"

I chuckled some and reluctantly had to unwrap myself from Harry's gentle and loving grasp as I know we should keep going. I took the liberty to intertwine my fingers in his and as always, he softly folded his fingers around mine and rubbed my hand with his thumb almost immediately. I then began leading Harry and I towards the door,

"As much as I want to give an office tour, we all gotta get going"

I announced which drew everyone's attention back to the task at hand. Harry and I waited by the door until everyone in the room left, coming behind them and shutting the door once everyone was out. Mal came bursting out of Ben's office and locked eyes with me, looking a bit like a deer in headlights,

"Bri? Do you know what happened to Ben?"

Mal said in a panic, I let go of Harry's hand and quickly walked into Ben's office to look for myself as I remember hearing the altercation between him and Audrey. Mal followed me close behind as I walked in, finding it was trashed. But the thing that really scared me was the giant slash like marks on the walls. I stared at the walls for a second before slowly shaking my head,

"I don't know... she caught me first and then went to Ben. I have no clue what happened in here but I did hear this... roar sort of sound after some arguing, but that's all I know"

I slowly spoke before slowly turning back around, being quite surprised when I locked eyes with... Uma? She was standing right behind me with a sort of smirk and cold glassy eyes as if she just popped out of thin air, I raised a brow as I am quite confused about her sudden appearance,

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