Chapter 7: Ugh, Can't Have Any Fun

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Epona's POV:

Well that's not good. Harry's probably not too happy that I lied to him to go hang out with Draco. To be fair, I'd be mad at me too. Maybe not as much as he is right now, but I'd be a little pissed I guess. 

I put a hand over my mouth and leaned towards Draco, "His ears are turning red. Is that normal?"

"Absolutely not. He's so pissed."

"Mm. That's not good, now is it?"

"Nope. I mean, we kinda hate each others guts." Draco replied.

"Guess this means I probably have to go and sit with him now." 

"That would probably be best." He agreed sadly.

I smiled, "Will you walk me over there then?"

He smiled back at me, "Of course, My Lady." He stuck out his arm like a gentleman and I giggled.

"Such a gentleman." 

Draco leaned into me as we walked in the hallway, "Oh? So you like it?"

"Hmm. Depends." I joked, smirking at him.

"Hey, we're taking a photo together." He put his arm around my shoulder, pulled me right up against his body, and pulled out his phone. He held it up to get both of us in the frame.

I did a small peace sign and smiled.  The second one we took was where we both stuck out our tongues and did a stupid face, and the third was one he took when catching me off guard staring at him.

We made it to the entrance of Harry's booth and I did a little wave good bye to Draco.

And of course, this asshole kisses my hand and winks before walking away. I could literally feel my brothers eyes boring into my back. I flipped my hair from over my shoulder to my back. I turned to face Harry and his friends, the two seemed a bit irritated, but Harry was fuming.

I walked in and sat down.

Hermione spoke, "Were you just with Draco Malfoy?"

"Yeah." I said indifferently.

"Why?" She continued.

I looked at her annoyed, "Because I can. He invited me to sit with him. It would be rude to decline."

"Wait he invited you?" Ron raised an eyebrow. Then a sort of glare came onto his face, and mumbled something I couldn't quite hear.

"Yes, he invited me. Why is that so hard for you guys to wrap your heads around?"

"Because he's Draco Malfoy. He's an actual nightmare, Effie! Draco's probably using you to get to me, and you've fallen right into his stupid trap! I should've never let you have that fucking phone if I knew you were going to be an idiot with it!" Harry yelled at me.

I stood up and fucking slapped him again, "Really, Harry!? Do you really think you're that much better than me? I'm not any more of a child than you are. Sure, I might be naive because of my limited experience with the world right now, but trust me when I say that I'm not stupid. If anyone here is stupid, it's you, Harry. You let something that you had no control over, and was pure luck, consume you."

Everyone was speechless. Surprised I can form my own thoughts probably. I sat back down and I felt someone move from in front of me to next to me. 

"Are you gonna lecture me too?" I asked the red head.

"No. I don't think Harry handled that too well... I just think he wants to protect you. Draco's been out to get him from the beginning." Ron rubbed the back of his head nervously, "As much as he's treating you like a kid, wouldn't you do the same for him? He is your brother after all. For fourteen years he grew up without a family. I think he's like this because he finally got his family back, and he doesn't want to lose you again."

I sighed, "You have a point, Ron. I just... I love Harry. He's my brother. But sometime I feel like he thinks I'm just some object or something. I know he means best, but it just...."

"It's hard." Ron smiled as I looked over at him, "I have multiple older siblings. I know the feeling."

I smiled and leaned into his ear, and whispered, "Wanna know a secret?"

He raised an eyebrow and I whispered, "I'm actually older than Harry."

Ron's eyes widened, "Really?"

"Yep." I grinned.

He laughed, "No wonder he treats you like a kid. Doesn't want the shorter and younger looking sibling to boss him around."

"Hey! I'd replace younger with better looking if I were you!" I joked back, both of us laughing.

"You cool now?" He asked, looking me in the eye.

"I was always cool, my friend." I said, flipping my hair behind me, smiling, then seriously, "Yeah, I'm fine. So don't worry. I won't start yelling at your cute little face."

His cheeks turned red, "Good."

We both turned to the game and started watching again. Ron got really into it. It made me smile.

Draco's POV:

"I need to use the bathroom." I got up and left my parents, who couldn't even seem to care less about where I was going. I sighed.

I walked past Harry's booth and heard laughing. I stood in the shadows to see Epona and the stupid fucking Weasley together. Laughing. And Weasley's face was as red as his hair. 

Harry was also smiling with Epona, so they made up. Of course they did.

I'm not going to let the only girl who's ever been nice to me and not want my money slip out of my hands. I'm the fucking Slytherin Prince. A pure blood. I can have whoever I want.

I sighed and walked away, my hands running through my hair. Who am I kidding? None of that shit matters. I've never wanted someone, or anything, as much as I've wanted Epona just to even look at me. Not that my parents would ever want me to be with her because of her skin condition.

Which fuck them, it's fucking beautiful on her. I need to stop cursing so much. It's probably not good for my mental health. Then again, is anything about my situation actually good for my mental health? 

Anger surged through me. I don't want to lose Epona to that Weasley. Or to anyone. She's staying with them all summer though... I have to calm down, and make a move right now.

I left the bathroom and crashed into someone.

"Hey! Watch where you're go-" I stopped short when I saw Epona sitting on the ground.

"Ouch." She laughed, and I stuck out my hand to help her up, "Sorry about that."

"W-What? Don't be sorry. That was my fault. I wasn't paying attention." I quickly said, gaining composure.

She smiled, "Okie dokie. Well, I'll see you later, Draco."

She started to walk away. Now's your chance, idiot!

I grabbed her wrist, and she turned around, a confused expression on her face.

"Kiss me."

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