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Kaycee didn't sleep well. Being away from Sean was weird even though it was only for a day.

She needed to get used to it though. This summer would be killer if she didn't.

She laid awake for a long time contemplating whether or not she should call him. She knew he was probably asleep but, she missed him.

The entire time she was playing devils advocate.

It's only one night kayc.

But he misses you too.

No he's probably asleep, don't call him.

But his tired voice makes you warm inside.

He doesn't wanna wake up right now.

He'd wake up for you, you know it.

Her head was spinning, and she wanted to be in his arms. But a night apart was needed.

After laying awake until almost 2, she got her phone out and FaceTimed him.

It rung for quite awhile, until he answered.

She could tell he was asleep.

Sean: "babe?"

Kaycee: "I miss you"

He sighed and smiled faintly. He clicked his night stand lamp on so she could see him.

Sean: "I miss you too bubba, you scared me I thought something was wrong"

Kaycee: "no, I just can't sleep"

Sean: "how come?"

Kaycee: "cause I miss your arms around me"

Sean: "I told you to come over kayc"

Kaycee: "I know but, we need to practice remember?"

He laughed under his breath

Sean: "yeah I do"

Kaycee: "sorry for waking you"

Sean: "don't be sorry, it happens"

Kaycee: "it's hard to sleep alone sometimes"

Sean: "believe me, I understand bub. I'll drive over there right now if you need me"

Kaycee: "no I wouldn't make you do that...just, stay on the phone with me?"

Sean: "sure princess"

Kaycee: "and if I fall asleep, don't hang up"

Sean: "I promise I won't"

Kaycee: "mkay, I love you"

Sean: "I love you too, now close your eyes and get some sleep"

She complied, laying her head down and propping her phone up on her nightstand so he could still see her.

He wouldn't dare fall back asleep until he knew that she was sleeping. That was his protective side. Always making sure she was okay.

Kaycee: "Sean?"

Sean: "what baby girl?"

Kaycee: "did you love Bailey?"

Sean: "kaycee, you know the answer to that...and quit thinking about her. I'm yours, I'm not going anywhere"

Kaycee: "I know, I was just wondering"

Sean: "I don't love her kayc."

Kaycee: "who do you love?"

Sean: "you, now stop overthinking and pretend I'm right there"

She snuggled close to his hoodie that still smelled faintly of him, and was able to fall asleep within 10 minutes.

When he heard her continuous breathing and steady but quiet snores, he relaxed and was able to fall asleep with her.

Sean: "I love you bubba, sleep good"

And with that, they both fell asleep together.

She woke up before him, probably because he stayed up so late making sure she could fall asleep.

She grabbed her phone, making minimal noise and just glancing at him. She felt so lucky. He had a million reasons to leave and find someone better but he stayed.

While she was admiring all she had his eyes fluttered open and he saw her smiling.

Sean: "take a picture, lasts longer"

she smiled, his morning voice making the butterflies set flight in her stomach.

Sean: "why're you blushing?"

Kaycee: "something about your voice in the morning makes me nervous"

Sean: "nervous?"

Kaycee: "it gives me butterflies"

Sean: "oh, I see"

Kaycee: "thanks for waking up for me last night"

Sean: "I always worry when you call late at night like that"

Kaycee: "I'm sorry, didn't mean to scare you"

Sean: "it's fine babe, really"

Kaycee: "I can't wait to see you tonight"

Sean: "I can't wait to see my girl"

She blushed.

He was playing it cool, but on the inside he was buzzing with nerves. He was sure on his plan, and even Jojo knew so she was ready when it happened.

He had blue roses to pick up on the way, and a hiding place once inside. He was taking her out to Mexican for dinner after they went home and got changed.

Kylie picked out a tight red dress that had lace trim along the chest and the bottom, that was already waiting at Sean's house for after class.

Kaycee was completely clueless, and although he was nervous, he really couldn't wait. He knew she deserved the world, but this was the closest he could get for now.

The promise ring was hidden in his jacket, and ready to be slid on her finger.

Kaycee: "alright, I'm gonna go get ready to go shopping with Kylie"

Sean: "be safe, I love you forever"

Kaycee: "I will, text me if you're going anywhere so I know."

Sean: "I always do"

Kaycee: "love you baby, see you tonight"

He smiled as she hung up the phone. He was glad Kylie was in on this too. Her being able to keep kaycee busy all day was a true blessing.

He called to make sure the roses were ready, and he got his clothes all ready for tonight as well.

He had a simple black suit with a red bow tie to match her dress, and was always prepared to give her his jacket when she got cold.

His mind was in a hundred different places, but his heart was in one.

He loved her so much, and after all she'd been through this week with Bailey and going public she deserved to be shown how much she was appreciated, and it was his job to do it.

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