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The fertility spirit was tall, so towered over Sukara, but not in a way that was intimating, the energy the spirit gave off was calming and warm.
They smiled down at her, remembering their old friend.

Sukara looked down to check on Kuvira but she wasn't there, she looked around her but she wasn't there either.

"Where's Kuvira?" Sukara asked, looking back up at the fertility spirit.

"She's where you left her," the spirit told Sukara, "she is safe with Iroh. But I wasn't testing her, I was testing you."

Sukara frowned as she stood up from the ground.

"She may have been abandoned," the spirit explained, "but she had never displayed those behaviours, you have displayed abusive behaviours in your past. I had to make sure you wouldn't do it again."

"That was a long time ago," Sukara said, looking down at the floor with a pain filled frown, "I've changed."

"I can see that," the spirit smiled, "now I have one more thing to speak to you about before I bring your wife here."

"What is it?" Sukara asked, finding a large branch to sit on.

"If you are asking to carry this child yourself I'm afraid you will be disappointed," the spirit told her carefully, shrinking itself down so that they were at the same height, "I am unsure what exactly caused it, but it likely started when your spirit was taken from your body."

"I'm not," Sukara smiled weakly, struggling to look up at the spirit, "so there's no need to worry there."

"The damage is too extensive, I'm sorry," the spirit said, placing a hand on her shoulder to try and comfort her.

"It's fine," Sukara told them, shrugging the spirit off, "Kuvira was going to do it anyway, we're having a baby so I'm happy."

"So you never wanted to?" the spirit asked, giving her a questioning look.

"Just bring Kuvira here please," Sukara said, avoiding the question and just wanting to get started with the process.


"And thank you," Sukara added as another flash of light brought Kuvira to join them, "for helping us."

"It is my pleasure," the spirit smiled as  Kuvira stood herself up and made her way over to Sukara, "you're my friend, you've been kind to me. I'll make sure give you a surprise."

Sukara gave a soft smile as she reached out for Kuvira's hand once she got to her. She took it in hers and rubbed her thumb across her knuckles.

"Are you okay?" Kuvira asked, noting the sad look in her wife's eyes.

"Yeah, fine."

"You don't look it," Kuvira frowned, using her hand to gently tilt Sukara's head up to look at her, "What happened?"

Sukara just shook her head, "It's nothing," she mumbled, not wanting to bring the mood down when they were supposed to be happy.

"Tell me later?" Kuvira asked, a concerned look on her face.

"Yeah," Sukara nodded, giving her a smile, "you ready for a baby?"

"Yeah," Kuvira smiled broadly, letting her concern float away as the feelings of warmth and excitement came back to her, "can't wait."

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