Architectural Hell

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Last they were seen, the intrepid adventurers had just gotten to the white confines of their next destination. Now joined by (Y/N) they move on to the next area in this massive structure.

Or so they think...

(Y/N): No way they do that.

Luca: I kid you not, they teleport right behind you. It's slow enough to react, but still surprising the first time around.

They were currently walking down the left path, when you come from the mistle to the crossroads, since previously they went straight ahead and had come back from the right. The process of elimination always works.

Louis: Hmm, we must have missed something.

Louis' comment brings the two's attention back to the front where a big double door stood closed between them and a way up. The door was, of course, locked.

Louis: Let's double back, maybe there's another path we missed.

(Y/N): It's fine, we still have plenty of sunlight left to burn.

It was just after midday, the sun shone bright above them and being well rested from the previous days meant they had energy to spare for now. Just how long could this really take?

Luca: Hey, there's something in that room. Is that...

Luca stared at a large, circular room, inside of it something shone a bright red.

Yakumo: A vestige. Let's go collect it.

Using one of the vestige cages they had, Luca traps the crystalline fragment of memory. They didn't want to look inside of it just yet, that was what the home base and their downtime was for. Before they could leave though, a chill runs down the spines of the revenants. Something was about to happen.

There was an influx of bright, burning haze inside the room and the cries of countless damned beings echoed from it. Just outside of the round room the haze formed into three lost, one of them being a large noblewoman and the other two into some knight looking lost.

Yakumo: Here they come!

The group hurries into battle positions, the three revenants in the frontline and (Y/N) at the back, now able to actually help since he has a bayonet.

He aims through his mask, being careful to not have his companions in the cone of pellets he was about to fire. And before he could even squeeze the trigger a shot was fired from right beside him, hitting his mark with incredible accuracy.

Peeking at his left, he sees some furry black thing. It was so tall and— he looks down and realizes it was Mia shooting beside him and he was staring at her hat. Her weapon was much more accurate thin his, firing a single blood bullet instead of (Y/N)'s pellet spread, she was also a better shooter with practice so he was quite glad to have her along.

Mia: More coming from the outside!

Refocusing on the battle, (Y/N) realizes that he'll need to reposition for better angles, so he circles a bit to the right so he could be more useful. When he did shoot it was fairly easy to hit his marks thanks to the area his weapon covers, and deal tremendous damage to the large target by hitting them with as many pellets as possible.

But it didn't matter how many they shot and cut down, the haze kept reforming just outside into more and more lost. A seemingly endless stream of them pouring into the room.

Luca: Damn, so many...

Louis: Check the other exit, we need to fall back.

As the backline went to check the other door the frontline kept the lost occupied. The path lead down some stairs and straight into a drop. Unless falling down the crater was your way to escape, it was a dead end.

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