Failure? It's an Option

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Everything happened so quickly. First, Naruto remembered he was standing on top of the mountain — now the whole top-half of the mountain was reduced to nothing.

Naruto blocked the debris and rubble from hitting his face. He gritted his teeth as a piece of rubble managed to create a cut on his thin arms. Naruto slowly retracted his arms back down.

They were now on his sides. Sasuki and Neji came to his side. The explosion's effects finally died down and all that was pure and utter chaos in front of them.

"How many times are you going to fail, Itoh?" Enryu asked angrily as held Itoh's shirt from the back. He was disappointed at Itoh's recent performances. He was one of Enryu's finest ninjas.

And he was failing because of Naruto of all people. This didn't please Enryu at all. Naruto was strong, Enryu had to give it to him. But, he didn't want anyone to rival him or someone like Itoh in power.

But that doesn't matter anymore. Enryu looked at the item that he currently holding. "I knew I should have come along with you and your team. Just looked what happened." Enryu told them.

"I have finally achieved the 3rd Holy Blade! Inch by inch, my goals are finally coming to fruition! And there will nothing that you or anyone in Konoha can do about it!" Yelled Enryu as he gripped the 'Vanquisher' tightly.

The other Holy Blade that he had in possession was sheathed on his back. Airu and Kurotsuchi appeared behind Enryu. They bowed slightly from the endless destroyed ground around them.

"Shall we finish them off?" Asked Airu as they eyed Naruto, Sasuki, and Neji. Enryu looked at Naruto with disdain evident in his eyes. "Go ahead. But, if you do fail, punishment for failure will be in order." Enryu told them in a serious tone.

"Yes! Raikage-sama!" They yelled as they locked their eyes with Naruto, Sasuki, and Neji. The two slowly approached them all in a confident manner. Naruto scoffed as he too walked towards them. "You are facing 2 legendary dojutsus that reside in Konoha. Even after being beaten to the ground by us, you walk up and face us." Naruto said calmly.

His footsteps were silent as he walked through all the rubble.

"But, please do a favor for me," Naruto said as he got closer to them. "And turn around and walk away from my team and I. This battle is not suited for children such as yourself." Naruto walked past the two without any care.

"You dare call us a "KID"?! You made big mistake!" Yelled Airu as he and Kurotsuchi turned around in a quick speed and went for a killing-blow to Naruto. He just turned back around in response.

"Kansei" Naruto took a gaze at them. The two suddenly couldn't move their body at all. Their eyes were wide. They weren't able to budge at all! Naruto had breathed in heavily.

"I only need to gaze at you two to stop your movements." Naruto said as his voice grew darkly. His hair flowed up-and-down through the night sky. "So, do me and stay out of this battle." Naruto kicked Airu away. Kurotsuchi finally regained her control and resumed back into her punch.

Naruto countered with a dodge to the right. He then kicked Kurotsuchi and sen her flying. Naruto breathed in deeply as he made eye contact with Sasuki and Neji. "I'm counting for you two." Naruto told them.

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