48 - I'll Do It For You

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A/N So excited to write this one!!!!!

Magnus was sitting on the sofa, yawning. But he wanted to stay awkay. Yes, it was two in the morning, but Alec was out on Patrol and until he came back, Magnus physically could not fall asleep. He tried concentrating on his book again, but he could not. His mind was already on Alec, halfway through thinking sexy thoughts.

He was shaked out of his reverie by keys jingling in his door and it opening, Alec standing there, looking a bit disgusted at the way he looked. He seemed to be extremely dirty, with debris and some mud, smelling of sweat. Magnus tried to hold on to those sexy thoughts.

"Hi," Magnus said as he put his book down and got up, walking over to embrace Alec. The Shadowhunter was taking of his bow when Magnus reached him. Magnus uncrossed his hands and was about to throw it over Alec's neck.

"Hold on, Magnus," Alec said, "I smell and I've got mud on me."

"Nothing wrong with the efforts of a hard night's work," Magnus murmured and threw his hands around Alec, putting his head down into the crook of Alec's neck, though it didn't smell too pleasant.

Magnus smiled happily as Alec's hands came around his back, occasionaly playing with Magnus' hair, which was currently unstyled.

"Was it a hard night, though?" Magnus inquired as he stepped away just a bit, holding Alec by the elbows.

"Yeah," Alec sighed, "Master strategist Jace thought around two demons was a fair estimate for ten demons, so yeah."

"Wow, I seriously don't understand how he managed to become a hero of the war," Magnus agreed and leant down a bit, parting his lips so that he could give Alec a quick kiss. Alec pulled away, putting his forehead on Magnus'.

"Is Max asleep?" Alec asked.

"Yeah," Magnus whispered, "Been asleep a while."

Max was now only a few months old, sleeping and waking up in a routinely manner. If he did wake up during the night, it was mostly due to a nightmare than anything else.

"Great," Alec murmured and then pressed his lips to Magnus' again, smiling through this kiss. Magnus laid his hands on Alec's chest and then abruptly pulled away, looking at hands, which were now muddy.

"Whoops," Alec said, "Hang on. It's just on the gear, I think."

Magnus moved away a bit and Alec started undoing his gear jacket, shrugging out of it and dropping it on the floor as Magnus snapped his hands so that they were free of mud. Alec was about to undo his shirt buttons when Magnus stopped him.

"I'll do it for you," he murmured, voice going deep and swallowed. His hands determinedly started undoing Alec's buttons as Alec laughed, tired but happy. Truly happy. Once Alec was free of his shirt, he started kissing Magnus again and the warlock fell back against the sofa, dimming the lights with a snap of his fingers.

"We do have a bed," Alec pointed out, pulling away and holding himself up above Magnus.

"Yeah, but it's effort to walk there," Magnus said, "Besides, it's closer to Max's room."

"Fair point," Alec muttered as Magnus lost restraint and cupped Alec's cheeks pulling him down, hard. Alec undid Magnus' robe and stared for a minute, at Magnus' dark blue onesie. Which had a polka pattern on them.

"Well," Magnus said, "Not my sexiest piece of clothing."

"They're okay...?"

Magnus just gave a small laugh as he brought Alec down again, joining their lips together once again. A few minutes of kissing passed, all of it deep and desperate and wanting. And then a scream broke the air. Max's piercing cry. 

Both of them pulled back with a sigh, Magnus' hands still clutching at Alec's shoulder as he peeked towards Max's bedroom. Alec climbed off Magnus and Magnus got back up, drawing his robe back on.

"I'll go, don't worry," Magnus whispered as he gave Alec a cheek kiss, "You grab a shower."

"Okay," Alec muttered, leaning up and pressing a soft kiss behind Magnus' ear. 

They both went down the same corridor, Alec going further down the hallway and into Magnus' and his en-suite, letting the warm water wash over him in a calming fashion. After around fifteen minutes, Alec stepped out, getting into sweatpants and one of Magnus' hoodies. He then went to Max's room and froze on the doorway.

Magnus was sitting on a chair beside Max's cot and Max's eyes were half-closed. The room was showered in gold and blue light, which floated around like a fire-fly, all thanks to Magnus' magic. And the more magical thing was Magnus singing, a soft Indonesian lullaby that was so sweet and lovely and wonderful.

Alec just stood and admired the view, his family, and swallowed a lump in his thoat. He didn't want to disturb them, so he was about to turn away when Magnus' voice stopped him.

"Where are you going, Alexander?"

Alec was surprised that Magnus had noticed him.

"Didn't want to interrupt you guys," Alec said softly.

"Nonsense," Magnus tutted, "Do come in, honey."

Alec obliged and stood beside Magnus, ruffling the warlock's hair. Magnus carried on singing and Alec closed his eyes, letting Magnus' voice wash over him. And then Alec gave a quiet yelp when Magnus tugged Alec onto his lap, winding an arm around Alec's waist to keep him steady. Magnus put his head down on Alec's shoulder and carried on singing as Alec kissed the top of Magnus' head.

Max was now asleep, but Magnus and Alec stayed there, watching their son with love, love that they could call him their son. Magnus' voice quietened, but he still sang, knowing Alec liked it, and Alec was definitely in favour of it.

As time went on, the Lightwood-Bane family stayed right there, hearts filled with nothing but love.

A/N Hope y'all enjoyed!!! Please comment, vote and share!

Lots of love, IC XXXXX 😍😘🥰

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