-The Artic-

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Once again, like they had learned nothing from the first time, Solomon had convinced Red to make one of his portals, and to go wherever it lead to for the sake of "adventure".

This time, Red's portal lead to an ice covered, freezing cold place with an endless blizzard. The artic.

Once Red's portal dissapeared, Red couldn't make another one until a while later. This would frustrate Solomon, with the only thing to do left was to explore wherever they ended up.

"Oh boy..." Solomon mumbled with a sigh, looking around once the portal had closed, "This place is a lot colder then the blue temple place..." The Demon Bat mumbled as both him and Red began shivering. Neither of them did very well in the freezing cold.

"Well... My fire won't last long here..." Red said as the ball of fire he had made in his palms quickly disappeared, "How about we try finding a place here where it's not snowing?" Red suggested.

"Yeah, maybe we can find some kinda shelter here...." Solomon mumbled, picking up Red and cradling him in his arms, as he began running, "Let's hurry up and find someone... Or some shelter." He said as the blizzard continued without rest.


After a long while of searching for shelter with no luck, they just barely saw what looked like an igloo in the distance, before passing out.

When the both of them awoke, they were surprised to find that they were now inside of the large igloo in front of a small warm fire.

They saw that, sitting across from them, was a skinny blue creature with long arms and legs, with a head that looked much like a brain with a single red eye curiously looking at them.

"Uh... hi?" Solomon nervously greeted, scared that the creature was going to hurt him, and to his delight, he did not. The blue creature just silently stared at him before quickly waving back in sudden excitement that he had just made a friend... at least, in the creatures eyes- or, eye so to say...

"Uh, hey... do you know how to get out of here?" Red quietly asked the blue creature.

The creature only responded with odd squishing sounds that... didn't really mean anything. Was he trying to tell him something, or what? Solomon couldn't figure it out...

"I, uh... don't think he knows how to help us, Red." Solomon nervously mumbled, "I don't even think he can understand us..."

"You can't understand him?" Red asked.

"Wait, you understood what he said?" Solomon asked in surprise. "What'd he say?"

"He said that he doesn't really know how to get out of here." Red responded.

"Oh man... we're stuck here forever, aren't we?" Solomon fearfully asked.

The creature made more squishing sounds, seemingly explaining something, before Red turned to Solomon.

"He said that we can rest here until we can get home."

"Yeah, but how do we get home? Without your fire portals?"

Red was quiet for a while, thinking, before the creature made more squishing sounds all while gesturing to the small fire.

"What did he say?"

"He says... he has an idea... I could probably use the fire here to make a fire portal that'll take us home..."

"I don't know if this'll work...."

Red gently put his hands around the small fire. Slowly, the small fire started to vanish, before, in a bright orange flash of light, a fire portal was now right before him. One that would hopefully take them home.

"It actually worked! We can go home!" Solomon cheered in excitement, standing up, as did the blue creature as it clapped it's hands in happiness, making Red smile.

"Come on, let's go home!" Solomon exclaimed as he approached the portal, grabbing Red's hand, "You ready?"

Red looked back at the blue creature, who was looking down at the ground, seemingly upset. Red let go of Solomon's hand, and scurried up to them.

"Hey... you wanna come with us?" Red asked, the blue creature quickly turned it's head and perked up when it heard that, quickly standing up, excited, making high pitched squishing sounds.

Red turned back to Solomon, "He says he wants to come with us!"

"Oh, okay... but, why?" Solomon nervously asked.

The blue creature made more squishing sounds, "He says there's nobody else here, and that he's really lonely... and he wants to came with us and wants to be our friend." Red explained as Solomon thought for a moment.

"Hm... well... in that case, sure! He can come with us!"

And with that, the blue creature ended up going to - and staying - on Zenith. Becoming one of the first few friends Red and Solomon made.

(Yeah, the ending is anticlimactic. I got lazy, alright?)

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