Chapter 2

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S i e n n a ' s   P O V

I wake up at midnight and find myself unable to fall back asleep due to my insomnia. Sighing, I get up out of bed to get ready anyways. If I get ready quick enough, I can watch the Spy Kids movies before having to leave to the airport.

I decide not to shower since I would shower at the hotel when we arrive. I wash my face and use some dry shampoo, put my hair up in a neat bun, and apply a bit of makeup to hide my enormous eye bags. I slip on one of my oversized hoodies, a pair of comfy sweatpants and some fuzzy socks, leaving my Vans at the door to wear when I'm leaving. I sit back on the couch and start the Spy Kids movies.

I quite honestly don't care what you say, Spy Kids will forever be one of the best movies to ever exist.


The hours pass by quickly, and before I know it, I've finished watching the last Spy Kids movie. I yawn loudly, then fix my hair and wash my face again before rushing out the house to get to the airport early. I get to the airport just around when everyone else does. We pretty much take up the entirety of the security lines and the shops near our flight area.

I go to Dunkin' since both Starbucks and Tim Hortons are not near me. I get myself an Oreo hot chocolate and a bunch of munchkins, and bump into Sonia on the way back to my seat.

"Hey Sonia! Excited to room with Jimmy?" I ask, wiggling my eyebrows and laughing.

Sonia blushes. "Yes, I'm very excited."

I gasp, remembering that she went on a date with Jimmy yesterday.

"What happened at your movie date yesterday?" I ask scrunching my face up in distaste at the cliche-ness.

Sonia rolls her eyes. "Can you ask it like you're a bit more excited?"

"OH MAH GAWSH GURL, HOW WAS YOUR DATE WITH YOUR TO-BE BOYFRIEND YESTERDAY? WAS THERE A HOT MAKEOUT SESSION? OH MY GOD DID YOU GUYS HOOK UP!? MOVIE SEX? CAR SEX?" I exclaim sarcastically, causing a couple of people to turn our way. Sonia blushes a bright crimson. 

"Georgia!" she half-scolds and half-whines.

I laugh, "Okay, okay. But really, how was your date yesterday?"

"Well we ditched The Notebook because we both agreed it was crap and watched It instead. Obviously, after watching it so many times, I didn't get scared at all, but Jimmy was screaming, and clutching my arm so tightly. It was really funny actually. Then we went stargazing whlie eating Wendy's, so I think it great. But get this. He freaking opened my doors for me and walked me to my door and kissed me goodnight!" Sonia squeals.

I hide my wince at her squeal and smile. "Damn. You've got yourself a wonderful lad there, love."

Now Sonia laughs. "You went all British there."

"I know, it was on purpose," I say rolling my eyes. "Some say it's hot."

"Sure," Sonia says, rolling her eyes. "Can you come order with me?"

"Yeah, for sure!" I say, walking beside her as we walk back to Dunkin'. "I honestly can't believe that they changed the name from Dunkin' Donuts to just Dunkin'. In my mind, Dunkin' will always be Dunkin' Donuts."

"I know right! What should I get?" she asks.

"Get something to eat and get a Salted Caramel hot chocolate, since you like caramel."

"Oh, I've never had that. I'll try it." Sonia orders her breakfast, while I pay for her. Obviously, if she knew I was paying for her, she'd try to pay me back, so I don't tell her.

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