15 - incrementum vitae

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Athena did not react to the nurse's words, nor did she say anything because quite frankly, she believed it to be untrue.

Madame Pomfrey evaluated Athena's expression carefully before continuing.

"I'll have to check, so if you would like to lie down and-"

"But I can't be,"she interrupted.

"Oh? How so?"

"Because I used something...the pill,"she said. "The muggle pill."

"Muggle, you say? Yes well, Miss Greene, there is a reason why Wizards have there own forms of contraception, one's designed especially for the wizard-born fetus. And not to mention, which are one hundred and ten percent protective."

Athena stared at the nurse in abhorrence, beginning to feel awfully sick again.

"Wha- how? Why wasn't I told this?"

"Because it is not something that the Ministry advises to be taught at your age. I must say, and do not repeat this to anyone, but I strongly disagree with this rule and believe it is something which should be compulsory to learn at a younger age, so we can avoid situations like- well, you know,"she explained, frowning sympathetically.

Athena was lost for words, unable to think up a single one to escape her lips.

"Now I cannot be certain until I have carried out the test so if you would please lie back onto the bed,"the nurse said whilst walking over to a cabinet and began digging around in it for something.

Athena obeyed her orders, reclining onto the sturdy hospital bed, feeling overwhelmingly perturbed.

A few moments later, Madame Pomfrey reproached holding something rather small in her hand, as well as her wand in the other.

She pushed the bottom half of Athena's pyjama t-shirt up, only exposing her stomach and placed the small element in her hand just below her belly button.

The mysterious object was what appeared to be a small flower bud, which hadn't yet bloomed.

A terrible, crippling anxiety increased rapidly inside of her, producing a cold, feverish shiver through her body and making her tremble.

"If the flower blooms, it means you are indeed, with child. And if it does not, I have been mistaken,"Pomfrey's voice rang through Athena's brain like a siren.

She raised her wand over the bud and uttered "incrementum vitae".

A few harrowing seconds passed and as dreaded, the bud bloomed and blossomed into a beautifully blue botanic, each petal accented with tremendous detail.

There was nothing Athena could think to say. No words could match the fear of seeing the flower flourish right in front of her eyes.

She stared at the bittersweet flower feeling nothing at all but an unsettling astonishment.

Why? Why? Why?

Why did this have to happen?

Her mind raced from obstacle to obstacle, circling back to the one thing that she couldn't stop thinking about.


Madame Pomfrey removed the flower and held it in her hand, taking a seat on the bed Athena was lying on.

"Now you must be feeling rather conflicted. May I ask, is there anyone you can talk to about this? Any friends whom you may confide in?"

Athena realised the nurse was speaking again and broke away from the pure chaos of her thoughts.

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