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Nieve's apartment screamed summer. Everything about it was breezy and open. The curtains on the windows were long and white, and the whole place was filled potted tropical flowers. It looked like the interior of a Pinterest bungalow. Very bohemian and pretty.

It was obvious that the place wasn't entirely Nieve though. There were touches here and there - a stack of records and a records player in the living room, a bass guitar propped up on the wall, some framed band posters - that you assumed was Reyes. 

Still, it didn't take you that long to get settled in the spare room. You had a nice view of the town from your window, and you could just see the edge of campus from it. 

The first few nights, it took you a while to fall asleep. But by the time you actually had to go to school, you were nice and settled in. 

Getting up for school was another thing. 

You woke to not-so-gentle knocking on your door, and Nieve's voice floating into your room. "Y/N! You have to get up now if you want to shower and eat before class!"

You groaned, pulling yourself out of bed reluctantly. Sunlight streamed through the curtains of your room as you gathered some acceptable clothes and scurried into the bathroom across the hall. You would need to take Nieve up on her promise of shopping at some point - people dressed differently in Mexico than they did in America, and you stuck out. Subtly, but it was there. 

You showered quickly, going through the motions of cleaning off. You styled your hair, brushed your teeth, remember deodorant as you were about to walk out of the room, and almost left a sock behind as well, but it was fine. You dropped your pajamas back in your room and exchanged them for your school bag before heading out to the kitchen. 

Reyes was frying something on the stove, and Nieve was flipping through a book when you walked in. 

"Good morning babe." Nieve said. "Ready for school?"

You dropped your bag and slid onto one of the barstools at the island. "As ready as I'll ever be." 

Nieve flipped closed her book, her barstool spinning to face you. "You're not nervous, are you?"

You shrugged. "I mean, a little, but that's mostly because Spanish is my second language." 

Nieve waved a dismissive hand. "You'll do fine. You've been speaking well enough to Reyes and I since you got here. I'm not worried."

Reyes spun around, placing a plate with fresh chilaquiles in front of you. "You'll be fine."

"Thanks." You said, digging in. You had only been here for a few days, but you had already fallen under the spell of Reyes' amazing cooking. They were possibly the best chef in the whole world, by your standards. 

Nieve stole a bite of your breakfast. "When are you getting back?" 

"Around 4?" You said between bites. "My last class ends at 3:30."

"Reyes and I are usually back around 5." Nieve said. 

"Cool." You said, shoving a few more bites of food into your mouth as you checked your phone for the time. "I should probably get going." You hopped off the stool and grabbed your bag, slipping on your shoes by the door.

"Have a good day." Reyes said.

"Text me if you need anything!" Nieve said, waving as you closed the door behind you. 

As you walked out of the apartment building, you popped your earbuds in, switching on some music to calm the nerves roiling in your stomach. First days were never easy, but that you were in a place you didn't know where they spoke a language you weren't fluent in... it would make anyone a little anxious.

But the music was familiar and good, and you had plotted the way to walk to school the night before. The city was bustling with people going about their days. You passed by a marketplace that smelled delicious, and a few boutique style shops and restaurants. Of course, you had seen some of the town with Nieve and Reyes before, but there was something soothing about walking around by yourself early in the morning.

Eventually though, the walk came to and end as you approached the campus. Pulling out your phone, you checked where you first class was again, comparing it to the map by the entrance. It was a class called Classics - a sort of combined history and literature class. Once you were sure you knew where you were going, you made your way towards the building. 

In the back of your mind, you compared this campus to your campus back in the states. It was smaller, but prettier than what you were used to. There was a certain historical feel about it that the modern buildings back home didn't really have.

You found the building you were looking for, heading inside to the lecture hall. You took your earbuds out as you walked in, people already milling about the room, talking in small groups or just sitting in seats. 

This was when you would choose who your friends were going to be. 

Or at least, you would have chosen, if they boy near the left windows of the hall hadn't waved you over. 

You shouldered your bag and walked over, sliding into the seat next to him. "Hi."

"Hi." He said. He had a mop of wavy brown hair and deep brown eyes. What caught your attention most though, was the earring on his right ear, a small gold hoop. "You looked lost."

"I'm new." You said. 

"And American." The boy added, raising one eyebrow. "You're studying abroad?"

You nodded. 

"I'm Tercero." He said, grinning.

"Y/N." You returned, letting your bag sit on the ground next to you. Tercero seemed nice enough, and you had already sat down anyway, so you might as well stay here. 

"So Y/N." He asked. "What are you majoring in?"

"Spanish, actually." You said. "I've always wanted to be some kind of teacher or translator. My mom's side of the family is actually from here. I'm staying with my cousin."

Tercero nodded along. "That's really cool. I've never even gone outside the country."

"What about you?" You asked. "What's your major?"

"History, actually." Tercero said. "I want to be a teacher as well."

You grinned. Who knew picking friends would be this easy?

SUMMER HEARTS // Quackity X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now