Suppressed Emotions

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Trigger Warnings: Cursing, Yelling, Mentions of Abuse

Tommy shivered, tugging his hood over his head. It had begun to drizzle, and he would've much rather stayed inside, but Tubbo was furious and demanded a meeting instantly. Although Tommy wouldn't admit to his crimes, he knew exactly what this was about. He knew about the growing obsidian walls around L'Manburg, he knew that he had robbed and burned down George's summer house, but what he didn't know was that there would be major consequences.

He had done the playful, and seemingly harmless, prank with Ranboo. They took a few items out of George's chests, placed a few sparks of fires on netherrack here and there, then ran off. He just expected it to be another one of his silly things he did and got away with. However, there was more to it.

As he approached L'Manburg, he sucked in a breath. He could hear Tubbo, Quackity, and Fundy from here. He stood still for a moment. He wasn't sure what came over him, but an ocean of emotions began swirling inside of him. Guilt, mostly, for burning down the house, an emotion he usually felt after doing these "harmless" pranks. Of course he continued doing them, mostly to keep up his character. However, an unidentified emotion was bubbling up alongside guilt. As he stood in the rain, he tried to figure out what it was.

A shout from Dream shook Tommy out of his trance. Looking up, he shoved his hands into his damp hoodie pockets and speed walked to the inside of L'Manburg.

"Tommy, there you are!" Quackity exclaimed, drawing the attention of everyone there. Fundy's ears perked as he turned over, scowling. Dream shook his head at the sight of Tommy, as did George, and Karl stood on the sidelines. However, Tubbo didn't move a muscle.

"Hey guys!" He suppressed his negative emotions as he had done so many times before, instead throwing on a believable shit-eating grin, "What's goin' on?"

"Don't 'what's goin' on' us, you know what you did," Dream hissed, crossing his arms.

Tommy acted confused, raising an eyebrow, "No, I don't. Why are the walls back?"

Finally, Tubbo turned to the side. His eyes were filled with anger, and he glared at Tommy. The same unidentified emotion from before resurfaced, making his pupils dilate. A few people noticed, confused. Tommy never showed any other emotion other than cockiness, bravery, happiness, or anything closely related. Of course they'd seen him angry or a bit upset, but never as alarmed or anything like that.

"Tommy, what did you do?" Tubbo's voice was icy cold and thick with rage. This might have been the final straw.

It was silent for a few moments. He tried to rack his brain for some sort of excuse that wouldn't make Tubbo any angrier than he already was.

"Tommy, what did you do?!" Tubbo roared, quickly turning his entire body to face Tommy, startling everyone. Quackity's eyes flew open in shock, as did Fundy's. Dream's mask only revealed his gaping mouth, and George stood dumbfounded. Karl gasped. They had never, ever seen Tubbo this mad.

However, Tommy never registered their looks. His mind instantly turned into fight, flight, freeze, or fawn, having known from experience that it only got physical from there. His body shut down and his hands moved to his face, afraid that if Tubbo moved an inch it would be to hit Tommy. His body began trembling and he closed his eyes, ready for impact.

It never came.

Instead, he heard flapping of wings and murmurs as a gust of wind hit Tommy's face. His breathing, that he hadn't even noticed getting quicker, began to slow, as a reassuring pair of wings wrapped around his body. His arms slowly dropped, his eyes opening, ears ringing, as he finally tried to register his surroundings.

Phil was hugging him with his arms and wings, speaking softly yet sternly to Tubbo, who's rage was now reduced to guilt.

Dream and George were exchanging confused and worried looks, while Quackity and Fundy were staring sadly at Tommy, who was still shaking slightly. Karl had run off at some point.

"Tommy, are you okay?" He heard Phil ask, the ringing in his ears fading. He simply gave a shaky nod, finally melting into Phil's hug.

He closed his eyes, his heart beating a million miles an hour. He could hear Phil trying to explain as bluntly as possible, not wanting to expose Tommy's childhood if he wasn't ready.

"Tommy, do you want to tell them or would you like to wait?" Phil looked down at Tommy who couldn't see past Phil's wings that surrounded him like protecting walls.

A mumble that only Phil could hear confirmed it all, and as Phil slowly dropped his wings, Tommy could see all their worried and guilty looks.

Tubbo walked forward, frowning and embracing Tommy in a hug. He had been so mad and caught up in the moment that he hadn't even thought about scaring Tommy.

A few moments passed. Dream, George, Fundy, Quackity, Karl, Wilbur, Techno, Niki, Sapnap, and Tubbo were now all sitting in the damp grass as the rain softly fell around them. Tommy sat on the path in front of them, Phil next to him. It was time to be honest.

"No more secrets," Phil smiled at Tommy.

"No more secrets." Tommy nodded, turning to the group.

No more lies. 

|| 910 words ||

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