let's start

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1. Favourite food: tajine (I'll put a pic up there so you would know what I'm talking about.) Meat! Yum yum!

2. Favourite girl names: Jawhara, Isabelle, Maymouna, Rumaysa

3. Favourite boys names: Mouad, Kareem, Ayden

*Favourite country: Britain, Morocco, Korea

*Best friend's name: Salma

*Closest person to me: My sister

*What I wish to be when I'm older: A child carer or teacher

*The place I really want to visit: Korea

*My favourite word: Amazing

*My favourite age: 18

*My favourite colours: Green and blue

*My favourite flavour in ice cream: chocolate, but in some I like strawberry.

*My favourite fruit: Strawberries!

*What type of people I like: Crazy, honest, loveable, but most of all people that will love me trully and not start talking behind my back once I'm not there.

*My dream when I was little: To travel around the world. (Which would never happen)

*I am so not perfect

*I'm not a boaster

*I love my friends dearly

*I can be annoying at times

*I am patient

*I lock everything inside my heart, though I tell my sister all my secrets, there are some things that will just have to stay unknown.

*When I'm angry, I don't show it. I write everything down on paper, I turn my words into poems, I have written some poems which I will upload on wattpad.

*When I'm happy, I make sure everyone else that're with me are happy too.

*When I'm sad, again, I don't show it, I just don't talk to anyone at all, I just ignore everything. I lock myself up in my room and write down poems or in my diary.

I might sound childish but you should know that if you keep everything locked up in your heart, it's not good, so when you don't have anyone to talk to, I suggest you write down your feelings on paper, after all you can trust papers, they would never tell your secrets. I am me, if you don't like me then tough, I won't change myself just for you.

*I'm home schooled. (Which I so do not enjoy)

*I have friends that are 35 but not married. (I'm 15 by the way)

*I lie sometimes when I have to. Everyone does, but that doesn't mean we're liars

*I love the beach

*I am crazy

*I am loveable

*I am tall

*I am thin

If you want me to tell you how much I weigh then I need to have at least 30 followers! :-) :-) :-) :-)

*I can be nasty sometimes. Not all the time though, I'm only nasty to people that are nasty to me

*I hate bullies, if there's a bully out there, beware! I bully bullies and I'm a bigger bull than you!

*I cry quickly, that does not mean that when someone calls me a mean name then I start crying, no! I don't cry about those things

*I hate hearing babies cry, not in a bad way. I just feel really sorry for them, sometimes I start crying with them

*I hate seeing a troubled kid or anyone

*I am open minded

*I am a listener. You can tell me all your worried, cry in front of me for 2 hours and I will be there for you the whole time, because I know how a person feels when they want someone to talk to

*I like shopping, not all the time though, when I'm not bothered then I just ain't. I never ask my mom to buy me something but when I'm with my dad, I do

*I love babies and kids. From newborn to 4 year olds. When they're older I do like them but they just get annoying somehow

*I watch animes. I'm not madly in love with them, but they can be fun sometimes. I'm watching high school of the dead right now. Hahaha

*I never watch films

*When I was embarrassed, I used to turn red, but I don't think I do anymore.

*I wear size 6 in shoes and in heels I wear size 6 1/2. Yes I have big feet. Now stop laughing. Hahaha joking!

*I once fell in the street in front of people.

*I am shy in eating.

*I am confident.

*I eat a lot but never get fat.

Reminder! If you want to know how much I weigh then I need at least 30 followers. I left one more space for your question so whoever asks me a question out there I will put the question down and say who it's from, and also reply it. Cheers! I hope you enjoyed reading about me. If you think there is something similar to you then please comment and tell me what it is! Thank you! :-)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2015 ⏰

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