2 || bedroom

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"Are you okay?" The boy standing in my room frowned at my marveled look.

Peter Parker is standing in my bedroom.

Was he even Peter Parker? Peter Parker wasn't real, meaning that it would have to be Tom Holland. But why is Tom Holland in my bedroom at six o'clock at night in Queens and speaking in an American accent?

If this isn't a dream, I have seriously lost my mind.

"Um, sorry, I don't know your name so I don't know what to call you, but... are you okay?" He asked again, fumbling with his words, seemingly just as embarrassed and confused as I am.

Peter Parker is standing in my bedroom.

  "Can I ask why you're standing in my bedroom?" I asked, deciding that talking Peter Parker - if it even was Peter Parker - was better than ignoring him, especially if this was a dream. Beside's what was the harm of talking to him if it was a dream? I'd be awake soon enough. "You're... you're Tom Holland. And you're standing in my bedroom." My mouth curled into a smile. "Is this an early birthday gift or something?"

   "Who's Tom Holland?" He asked. I blinked. This was Tom Holland, right? Peter Parker isn't real. I laughed again, the nerves taking over.

    "Okay, Cadence? Is this some sort of practical joke?" I called out, looking around my room. There was no answer, and my smile dropped. "Mom? Dad? Julie?"

    "Who's Cadence? And who's Julie?" I looked at him with a horrified expression on my face.

"Wait, you're not Tom Holland?" I asked.

"No! Am I supposed to be?" His voice was just as panicked as mine.

"Who are you?" I exclaimed, and he stared at me.

    "Peter Parker. Nice to meet you." He gave me a lopsided smile, and I felt as if I could throw up.

You're dreaming, y/n. You're going to wake up and this will have never happened.

   "Okay, Peter Parker. Why are you standing in my bedroom? You're not real." Tom (or Peter?) gave me a grave look.

    "Wait, what do you mean I'm not real?" He demanded.

    "You're a comic book. A movie character. You don't actually exist." I said. "Which means this is a dream..."

   "This is definitely not a dream!" Peter shot back. "Look, I have no idea how I got here, okay? Mr. Stark and Scott put me through-"

    "Hold on. Scott Lang?" Peter gave me a surprised look.

     "Yeah...wait, how do you know him?"

    "I told you! You're a comic book character. You're in the movies." I pointed towards a Marvel poster on my bedroom wall. Peter rushed over to it.

     "Wait. What?"

"Peter." I walked over to him, pointing to his picture on the poster. "I know you're Spiderman. I know you have an Aunt May, I know you go to Midtown High School and a kid named Flash calls you- actually, let's just skip that one for now; I know you're best friend is Ned, and that-"

"Okay, okay, I get it! Stop!" He exclaimed and I gave him a sympathetic look.

"Sorry." I whispered.

"I shouldn't have yelled." He said, flopping on the bed, holding his head in his hands.

"How did you get here, Peter?" I asked.

"Okay... Mr. Stark and Scott were working on this thing, this dimension thing. It's a really long story, it has to do with Loki, anyways. A couple years ago, there was this guy, Thanos- oh wait, you probably know what. Anyways, we time travelled, and-"

"Hold on. You time travelled? You didn't blip?" He frowned.

"No... why?" I blinked.

"Uh, hold on." I stood up, moving over to my laptop. I pulled up Infinity War, skipping to the time when everybody blipped. I pressed play, handing the computer over to Peter, who looked at me curiously before turning back to the screen. I watched him as Wanda and his friends blipped away and he came on screen.

    "That's me!" He said excitedly, smiling. I gave a small laugh, letting him watch as he blipped away on screen. His smile quickly turned into a frown. "Wait, what? That didn't happen." He handed me my computer and I shut it, placing it on my desk.

     "So what did happen, then?"

"I was with Mr. Stark, and all those other people, but I didn't blip. Neither did Starlord or that big beefy dude."


"Yeah, him. He didn't blip either. When we got back to Earth, Black Widow and everybody else that blipped away in that movie you showed me were gone, too." I blinked, trying to comprehend all the information coming towards me. If this really was a dream, it was incredibly realistic.

"Wait, so, you guys did go back in time right? To stop Thanos?" I asked, and Peter nodded. "And then Tony did snap him away, right? That happened, too?" Peter looked at me with the same look I gave him when I saw him.

"No... Captain America did it."

"Captain America?" I couldn't believe it. Tony survived? "What about Natasha? She sacrificed herself for the soul stone, right?" Peter dropped his mouth open.

"Uh, no? It was Clint, um, Hawkeye." I gave him the same expression back.

"Okay, um, we can- we can come back to this but, um, how did you get here exactly?" I said, truly wishing I would wake up now.

"Right, anyways, after we were able to go to the quantum realm, Mr. Stark and Scott were like, 'What if we could go to different dimensions? How cool would that be?' So they started working on it with Dr. Banner and they asked if I would test it. Well, a lot of us were supposed to test it. And we did a practice run, and it was cool and stuff, and then we tried to go again, and my thing is broken, so, I need your help getting back." I blinked, staring at him, mouth open, wide eyed.

"I'm sorry, what?"

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