Guard My Heart, Dear Goblin | ScarBeauty

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Goblin and Vampire affairs were strongly forbidden. When Elise Lee found out the vicious Goblin King was her mate, everything was drowning into a darkish twist.


After the rejection of her ex mate, she distracted herself to pursue her dream job - being the best guardian, just like her legendary parents.

The consulate promoted her to be an Elite guardian out of the blue. Ironically, her first mission was to protect and handle the secretive mystery of a notorious Goblin King. Things started to fall apart when they caught on feelings above the mate pull.

Fire meeting ice.

Everything went downhill as hell as she decided to cross to the Goblin's realm. Aside from the Goblin King, someone powerful who wanted her dead was lurking near her.

How will they balance the goblins and vampire realm if hatred and war is becoming love? Would she be able to be the best Guardian and protect the guardians HQ? Or will she choose to join the dark side of the Goblins? Either way she was doomed because she was not who she really thought she was.


YOUR COVER: (10/10) I was impressed by your cover! It looks well professionally made, and draws in the right audience for your story. I can see you put a lot of thought in finding the right cover. Kudos to your graphic designer!

YOUR TITLE: (10/10) I was surprised by how much I enjoy your title. It's different from other generic story titles, and it seems to hold a heavier meaning that I've yet to find out. Well done!

YOUR BLURB: (3/5) The first huge thing I found were your tense slip-ups. You switched tenses in the middle of a sentence, and it happens often in your blurb. There was a lot in your blurb that could be restructured and tightened to have a better, long-lasting effect on your reader. There's also a lot of unnecessary information in here. If you really don't want to get rid of this excess information, I suggest you provide the full synopsis within your story, and present a shortened version of it in the blurb. The focal points here are that Elise gets rejected from her mate, she throws herself into the honorary work of being an Elite guardian, and she gets assigned to protect the Goblin King. She finds out she has another chance at love, but it also turns out that the Goblin King isn't the only one she should watch out for. Try to write this in only a few sentences. My take on your blurb would be:

Goblin and vampire affairs have always been strongly forbidden. When Elise Lee found out her vicious Goblin King was her mate, everything began to drown in this dark twist.

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