Chapter 26: Date With Weiss

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Third Person POV 

Y/N was in his room as he slowly changed out of his shirt. 

Y/N: Let's hope this goes well. 
He said to himself before looking at his handguns. 

Y/N: Hmm. I won't need them. 


Y/N: Coming. 
He said before strolling to the door and opening it to see Weiss. 

Y/N: Hey Weiss

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Y/N: Hey Weiss. 
He said as he looked at her with awe. 

Weiss: Are you ready to go? 
She asked with a small smile. 

Y/N: Yeah. Let's go. 
He said as Weiss strolled him out of the building. 

Y/N: So how was your classes? 
He asked her. 

Weiss: Oh. It's going well. 
She said with a small smile. 

Y/N: That's nice to hear. 

Weiss: How about yours? 
She asked. 

Y/N: I'm passing them. Well except Goodwitch's. 
He said to her. 

Weiss: That's great. Just keep them up. 
She said with a smile. 

Y/N: Yeah. 
He said before looking at his legs. 

Y/N: Only if I was able to attend class myself. 
He said to himself. 

Weiss: Is something wrong? 
She asked as she looked at with worry. 

Y/N: I-It's nothing. 
He lies to her. 


Y/N: Oh wow. Looks like it just arrived. 
He said as Weiss strolled him inside. 

Y/N: So where do you want to eat? 
He asked her. 

Weiss: I think I got a place. 

To Asuka 

Asuka was sitting in the cafeteria alone as she was picking at her food. 

Asuka: Damn it. 
She said to herself.

Asuka: I should have been there for him. 
She cursed to herself as flashes of his dulled E/C eyes looked at her. 

Asuka's POV 

"Damn it." 
I thought to myself. 

"I should have been there. "

"Helping him recover." 
I thought to myself before thinking about a time we were together. 


"Come on Y/n."
I said to him as I looked at him. 

Y/N: Y-You're too fast.
He said as he slowly got up. 

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