Chapter 16 - Homeward from Gibraltar Pt. 3/4

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22nd of February 1941

Special Training School 5, Wanborough ManorBorough of Guildford, Surrey.


     A group of five SOE trainees were playing Poker when a man dressed in the Royal Navy's Lieutenant Commander uniform approached them, the man was of course Y/n. Even though he's currently disguised as the trainee's instructor at the request of his father.

???: "Ha! Those chips are all mine now."

Trainee 3: "Bloody hell, Harry! How did you win again?"

Harry: "That's a secret, you fool. I am not gonna tell you."

Y/n: [French] "Do you mind if I join in?"

Harry: "Aye, sir. Sure thing."

     All the trainees stared at Y/n as he sat down on a chair near the trainee who has recently won the match, the trainee gave three winks to his colleagues before moving closer to Y/n's ear as if he was going to whisper him something.

Harry: "You made two mistakes today, fool."

Y/n: "I see. Do you mind explaining it to me?"

Harry: "First of all, our instructor never spoke French to us outside training lessons. Second and lastly, he don't play Poker even though we've invited him several times to come join us, he would refuse anyways."

     As soon as Harry finished his sentence, he tried to grab Y/n's neck with his arm. Y/n grabbed Harry's right arm and twisted it before standing up.

     Y/n stood up only after kicking the other trainee to his right off his chair. He dragged Harry's out of his chair and threw him onto the table.

     The other three SOE trainees then intervened, only to face the same fate. All of them were now laying on the ground. Harry stood up again while his legs were still shaking as he was both determined to defeat Y/n and scared at the same time."

Harry: "Y-you made another mistake, you fool! You shouldn't be here in the first place!"

Y/n: "Let's see about that."

     Y/n was about to punch Harry in the face once as he tried to block the incoming punch, however instead of punching him in the face, Y/n kicked him in the balls instead. Harry fell down to the ground, the kick was enough to almost knock him out.

Y/n: "Never get distracted by such a simple ruse, stay focused."

Instructor: "What the heck are you doing over there?! All of you, stop!" 

     The real instructor ran to the scene blowing the whistle in his hand, he was shocked to see all his disciples beaten up by a single man. He calmly assess the the situation and approached Y/n.

Instructor: "Who are you?"

Y/n: "Greetings sir, the name is Galahad. I have been sent by the Director of SOE in order to observe and evaluate your trainees for a day."

     Harry and the other trainees were shocked to hear that Y/n was now going to evaluate them, after all he's just beaten the crap out of them.

Instructor: "Galahad..? Ah, so you're that one Major General Philip sent? He had informed me of you yesterday. Do you mind explaining what happened?"

Y/n: "Well, you see sir. He requested that I test these trainees out so I did just that, sir."

Instructor: "I see."

     Y/n walked away from the scene as the instructor tried to help his trainees stand up, the trainees immediately tried to question their instructor about Y/n.

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