one shot #8

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Prompt: You and Hermione have had unspoken feelings towards each other for a while now. Harry and Ron are tired of the tension so they decide to take things into their own hands. 

Harry's POV:

"Alright Ron, we have a plan?" I looked over at Ron who nodded. Hermione and [Y/n] have had this thing going on for too long. They can't go around each other anymore without awkward tension. Someone had to do something about it. I walked over to Hermione. "Hey, Hermione, wanna join me in the library for a study session later?"

Hermione glared at me. She knew something was up. "You? Want to study?" Her face lit up. "I'll see you there." I looked over at Ron and nodded. 

"Yeah, see you there Hermione." I walked out of the Gryffindor common room with Ron. "Now, just to find [Y/n]." 

We wandered around the castle until we got to the astronomy tower. "She's always up here." Ron nodded and started walking up the steps.

Ron reached the top. "Hey, [Y/n]!" He hugged [Y/n]. "I had a question?"

"And that is?" She tilted her head and looked at him. 

"Could you help me study for Trelawney's class in the library tonight? I need some help on it." [Y/n]'s face lit up and she smiled.

"Of course Ron, how does after dinner sound?" She turned around to look of the balcony of the astronomy tower. 

"After dinner sounds perfect. I'll see you then!" He waved and started to walk down the steps. 

After a few minutes Ron reached the bottom of the steps. I looked over at him. "Well? What did she say?"

He grinned at me, "Yes, of course. Now come along, we need to set this up."


[Y/n]'s POV:

I was walking up to the library after dinner. When I got there I saw Hermione in the back corner as usual. She was probably waiting for someone. I figured I might as well say hello.

I walked over to Hermione. "Hey, Mione." I whispered with a smile. Hermione's face flushed a light pink.

"Oh, hey [Y/n], what're you doing here?" She gave me a smile back.

"I'm here to meet up with Ron. He asked me to help him study for divination." I took a seat on the floor next to her.

Hermione's face got even more red as I sat down. "Oh, alright, I'm supposed to meet Harry here to help him study but of course he's late. Can't trust him with anything." She scoffed. I quietly giggled at her slight anger.

"What're you laughing at? Ron's late as well you know." She pouted and crossed her arms.

"Trust me, I know. He's always late for everything. He's either eating or him and Harry are getting into trouble." I let out a slightly loud laugh and Hermione covered my mouth with her hand.

"Shush! I'm not trying to get yelled at by Madam Pince this evening." I smirked and grabbed her arm to move her hand down. 

"Fine, fine I'll stay quiet." I looked away. "Only if you could make me." I mumbled that part hoping she didn't hear but I could tell she did.

"What did you say?" She snapped her head at me and squinted. Her cheeks flushed a bright red.

"Nothing, I said absolutely nothing." I turned my to look at her and we were mere inches away from each other. Hermione bit her lip and I could tell she was staring at my lips. I tried to turn my head away but she grabbed my jaw and planted her lips on mine. I let out a small gasp but it was quickly silenced as I kissed back. 

I wrapped my arms around her neck and she placed her hands on my waist. I felt her pulling me onto her lap but I didn't resist. The kiss grew even more fiery than before and I felt her biting my lip. I held back a small gasp as her tongue entered my mouth. After a few minutes we both pulled back for air. 

"That's now how I expected tonight to go." I uttered in between breaths.

"Me either." Hermione mumbled. Her face was red. Very, very red. I placed a hand on her face and smirked. 

"You know, maybe we could make this official." I leaned in closer to her face. "Maybe this could happen every night." 

She bit her lip and nodded. I leaned in and kissed her again. Although I was supposed to be studying tonight, this was definitely a better way to end my day. 

hermione granger one-shots x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now