The King of Tyrne

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And Helos god of sun and sight
Did bring a vision deep in night.
To Heras Wrath in slumber rest
From mount of gods the home of blessed.

"To king of Tyrne we bid you go
And serving king your greatest woe.
A wicked man will set you right
By bidding boons both day and night.

So rise from sleep and set to task
Perform your role as gods now ask
And go to Tyrne where villain dwells
Complete for gods your labors twelve."

So Heras Wrath from slumber rose
And down to Tyrne the hero goes.
Presenting self to wicked king
Who seeks for all misfortune bring.

"The slayer of kin to court has come
To serve the king though beast is dumb?
What need has lord for feral man
With ratty beard and clothes who stands

Before my throne and ask to serve
The mighty lord the king of Tyrne?"
Then Heras Wrath who still did kneel
Now spoke his peace and task reveals.

"By gods of mount I'm sent to Tyrne
To serve my lord a dozen turns.
So ask your boon and guide my will
I lend my strength and all my skill."

And king of Tyrne has wicked thoughts
How death to man be quickly brought.
"The Nemean Lion with fur that's hard
Who arrows, swords, and spears discards

A plague upon land that beast
I ask you bring it's meat for feast."
And crowd did gasp at kings desire
To slay the man the gods did hire.

But demi-god did shake his head
And go though task would render dead.
The son of Zeus and Heras Wrath
Yet still he took the hero's path.

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