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The weather was cold and windy since it autumn . A man wearing brown turtle neck sweater , blue jean and red scarf around his neck , were reading a book while sitting on the wooden bench peacefully at the park near his house . His name is Kim Namjoon.27 years old.

"The weather is so nice today " he said to himself while looking up at the cloudy but also not so bright sky. He usually walk around the park during his free time its really relaxing for him.

"Gosh , I been here for 3 hour" he said while checking the time in his watch.He get up from the bench and started walking to his house.

"Meow" Namjoon stop his track when he heard the noises. "Meow".He look around him and notice a box. He towards the box and looked inside it.He saw a fluffy small black cat
curled itself at the corner of the box. "Meow" the cat look up and stared at Namjoon with it doe blue eyes.

"Aww aren't you a cute little thing " he said as he bend down and reach out his hand and pat the cat head. "Are you hungry little kitty" he started to search something in his pocket and take out a sandwich in a plastic ziploc bag that had been eaten half from him before he went to the park. The cat started to meowing loudly. "I guess you really little kitty here I hope you enjoy it " he took the sandwich out from the plactic ziploc bag and gave it to the cat.

The cat started to ate the sandwich like it will runaway. "Slow down there kitty the sandwich will not run away " he chuckled "I guess you very hungry " he said after the cat done eating.Namjoon hair blew as the wind blow and sent chills to him. "its cold right now, sorry I don't think I can keep you but you can keep this." he take of the scarf he was wearing and put it in the box surrounding the cat. "There you can make it as a blanket to warm yourself " he pat the cat and the cat curled itself feeling comfortable in his scarf.

"Bye,kitty I better head home " he said and started to walked and gave one last glance at the cat.

One thing he didn't know that it will not be the last he met the black cat

Kitten Hybrid Namjoon X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now