Chapter 16 - Aab (آب)

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After a heavy sleep thanks to the oh so tiring plane ride. The couple woke up to rumbling stomaches. The two had freshened up and rushed down to breakfast. After loading up from the breakfast buffet the view from the hotels dining are was calling them.

"Come come let's go" laiba exclaimed pointing at the beach right outside the hotel.

"Wait lets go grab us some towels"

"Uhhh nahi na let's just go. I just want to jump into the water.."

"Laiba come on it will take like two minutes only"

"Uff you don't understand...see the line?"

"What line?"

"See the line where the sky meets the sea? It calls me. No one knows how far it goes" she started singing almost.


"Oh my god. Do you really not know what I'm referring to, it's a Moanna line you uncultured...Uff choro point is me tho jarahi hu pani me bye" saying that she ran out.

He nodded his head and jogged behind her. She ran straight into the water, being welcomed by the warm waves.
Arif chased her, they somehow began playing 'it'. Where he was chasing and she was running away whilst throwing splashes of water his Way. It was all fun till a big wave came and pushed her all the way to land. The salty water shot up her nose and throat leaving her coughing. Arif quickly ran to her side patting her back to help her breathe.

"You ok?"

"Ya ya I'm fine..let's swim further" she jumped up shaking some sand of her hair.

Arif threw of his shirt on a sun lounger and followed her into a more deeper side of the water.
A couple of hours later the water began rising and coast guards began instructing everyone to leave the water. The couple, like everyone else came out of the water. The breeze was cooler now. And their drenched bodies felt colder. Cluttering her teeth she followed Arif who, except for a few goosebumps didn't seem too bothered by the weather. She regret not getting towels first now. He looked at her shivering form and picking up his dry shirt he put it over her shoulders. Earning a smile from her.

She was still cold so she held his bicep, almost hugging it to get more warmth. He liked the action, but didn't say anything, he didn't want to ruin the moment.

Both's soaked and dusted in sand bodies entered their hotel suite. Arif clicked a few buttons on the wall, turning the heating on. He turned toward her who was still gripping his arm.

"Hmm?..oh sorry" she nervously chuckled letting go of his arm.

She only held it to begin with to cover her self. She felt her soaked clothes cling to her body and also noticed a few stares. So she shielded her self with him.
But now they were alone and for some reason her body got really comfortable around his arm. She let go of it realising how weird that must be to him.

Letting go of his arm she rushed to the bathroom door.
"Don't you dare look..I'm warning you" she said recalling that the wall was made of glass.

He rolled his eyes.

"You have 15 minutes" he said walking towards the door of the room.

"What? Where are you going?" she asked concerned.

"I'll go out whilst you shower. Ok?"

"No..don't..don't leave me here alone"

"You can shower in peace, I won't be able to sneak a peek" he chuckled explaining to why he's going.

" just stay...please"

Intekhaab✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें