Phil's Sons...

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A/N SUPER IMPORTANT!!! This is not part of the story, I just really wanna write this so plz read it or not. This is just a thing that I wanted to write, may I repeat this is NOT canon for the story. Just a random thing that I wanted to put in. OK THANKS!!! BTW THIS IS GOING TO BE ANGST, OR AT LEAST IMA TRY LMAO

!warnings, angst but its bad angst lol!

Ph1lzA's sons...

The eldest, a strong warrior, one that would fight until the end.


The middle child, a musician, one that would soon turn insane.


The youngest, a brother that had strong emotions, emotions that were so strong that they would effect his decisions.


These, are the three sons of Ph1lzA.

Phil's POV

"TOMMY, FOR FUCKS SAKE-" Wil called out, running after Tommy who had stolen his guitar once more. I looked over at Techno, who was sharpening his sword. He was too mature for his age, he was only 12 after all. I sigh, smiling softly.

"I WILL NEVER GIVE YOU YOUR GUITAR BACK!!!" Tommy yelled back. He was always more attached to Wil, since he was usually around. Techno and Wil were really close. Tommy was close with Wil, Techno was close with Wil. Nobody had ever been able to read Techno's emotions, even I, the one who had been with him his whole life.

"Tommy, give Wil's guitar back, we gotta get to sleep." I finally said, breaking the arguments. Techno stood up, heading back to the house. But, he was stopped by one of my wings.

"Techno, you know that you can tell us everything right?" I whispered to him. He nodded, and I let him into the house with a sigh. I looked back to Wil, who had gotten his guitar back, and Tommy walking behind him, talking like usual.

"Could you please shut up child?" Wil said, looking back at Tommy.


"Yeah, yeah sure child." Tommy started sputtering out curses, and insults. I didn't even know where he had known them from, maybe he had picked them up from Wil or Techno. Or me.

I smiled as I stretched out one of my wings behind the two boys, gesturing for them to head inside. As they walked inside of the small wooden house, I looked out at the setting sun and sighed. I had the best boys, no matter what I would protect them.

Timeskip 3 years.

Phil's POV

I woke up, stretching and yawning. As I walked into the small living room, I was expecting to see Techno, but he wasn't there. I panicked slightly, but decided that he was probably just sleeping in. So, I walked over to his room and knocked on the door softly... Nothing.

W-Where was he?

I panicked, opening his door and looking around his room, until my eyes caught on something, a note.

Shit shit shit shit-

I opened the note slightly, scared of what it had to say.

Dear Dad, Wilbur, and Tommy,

Hey... So I've decided to run away. Its not that I don't like you guys, no I love my life... I just have to do more. I've been researching this place called Hypixel, its a huge server. As of today, I'm heading there. Its gonna take a while, but when I get there I'm going to start improving my fighting skills. I've heard about this thing called Blitz, or the Blitz Survival Games. I've decided to get there and start taking over that. I've also heard of a new game that they're working on, called Skywars. It seems interesting. The route that I'm going to be taking is going to go through many small servers of sorts, and I'm planning on taking those over too. Don't bother going after me, because I've already gotten many ender pearls and am probably too far ahead already. I left in the middle of the night, that way I would get a head-start in case you tried to go after me. Please don't try. It will only end in pain. I'm just searching for things to make my fighting skills better. I need to get better, to be the best.

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