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"Fuck you, you dirty slut"

In front of us is a ravine that looks like one from a fairy tale.

There's a river over a bank of rocks that has lily pads floating in it, along with ducks swimming around. I can hear the whooshing of the water as it flows over the smooth rocks, creating a very peaceful sound.

The big meadow isn't too interesting, but the grass is short, and it looks soft for sitting on. There are trees surrounding the entire place, fencing it in as if it was on purpose.

Why have I never heard of this place before?

"Cedric, it's beautiful! How did you find it?"

He smiles at the excitement in my eyes.

"I couldn't sleep last night so, I went exploring. I came across it and my mind immediately wandered to you. I just knew I had to take you here after we got closer," he explains with a slight blush creeping upon his face.

I'm at a loss for words. His thoughtfulness mixed with the beauty of this place makes the whole situation surreal.

I wrap my arms around his torso and put my head on his chest.

He returns the embrace and I can't help but notice how good it feels to hold him. His body heat and us being so close creates the familiar electricity between us.

After a minute or so, I let go and take his hand. I lead him over to the bank of the river.

We both sit down on dry rocks next to each other. I feel his gaze so I look over and meet his longing gray eyes.

"What?" I question.

"You truly don't realize the effect you have on me do you?" He says it more as a statement rather than a question.

I feel my face heat up so I look down.

"I doubt I have that big of an effect, I'm not even doing anything," I scoff.

I would like to believe I make him feel even a fraction of the way he makes me, but I suck at this kind of stuff. He's so good at flirting and making me nervous or whatever but I, on the other hand, mostly just go with the flow, hoping whatever I say works out for the best.

"Bella, you don't see yourself clearly enough, love. The way you hold yourself with so much confidence, yet, at the same time, the way you get all nervous and blushy for God knows what reason, makes you the most alluring person I've ever met," he says in a sincere tone.

"Plus, the fact that you play hard to get definitely adds to it," he winks.

I roll my eyes.

"Cedric, the reason I get all "blushy" or whatever you called it is because of you. I've gone my whole life without having another person make me nervous, yet here you are, making me blush every other second," I throw my hands up, exasperated.

"You're so composed all the time, if I'm having an effect on you, don't worry, you're hiding it well," I say in a slightly annoyed tone as I pick up a stick and start drawing in the sand absentmindedly.

I feel him scoot closer to me and he uses his hand to turn my face towards his.

"Maybe you don't notice, but trust me when I say, I am anything but composed. You should've seen my face when you were drawing on my back earlier, I'm sure it was red as a tomato," he laughs.

I can't contain my smile as a big grin forms on my face.

"Or even after our conversation on Monday. You weren't the only one heading back to your dormitory feeling nervous," he continues, still staring into my eyes intently, making sure I'm listening to every word.

Accidentally Dating CedricWhere stories live. Discover now