Well That Ruined Spider-Man

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Stiles POV

I awoke in my new and very comfortable bed.  I thought back to the night before and how close Josie and I had already gotten just after one day.  I got our of bed and went to my bathroom taking a shower, when I got out I put on a black sweatshirt with the school logo, jeans, and some tennis shoes.

A voice came over the intercom telling me that there was a school assembly.

I walked down the stairs to the main hall grabbed some toast and ate it quickly before sitting down in one of the chairs set up for the assembly.

Josie soon sat next to me giving me a smile which I gladly returned.

We waited for the rest of the students to pile in and a curly haired boy sat next to me and he introduced himself as Landon Kirby.

Dr. Saltzman approached the speakers podium with a man that was dressed in what I recognized as a sheriff's uniform,"Given our recent influx of monsters, Sheriff Donovan and I have decided we need to take drastic action.  Please give him your full attention."

The Sheriff started talking," As Dr. Saltzman, local girls Dana Lillien and Sasha Stoteraux didn't come home last night.  Dana sometimes skips town to party, but this is a first for Sasha."

I started to hear chatter a few rows behind me,"Dude, if you don't stop mugging me.  You heard old blue eyes.  Dana has a history of running away."

"I saw you feed on her."

My eyes widened I recognized the voices of MG and Kaleb,"Yeah, feed.  Not kidnap.  MG I'm telling you vampire to vampire. . . This ain't on me."

They stopped talking and I turned my attention back to the front to see Dr. Saltzman talking again,"Now I'll need a few of you to volunteer to go to Mystic Falls High under the guise of an exchange program meant to improve relations between our school, which, unfortunately, it is necessary, given recent events.  Now, I give you permission to compel them, to gather materials form locator spells, because any information we can get will make all the difference."

I thought for a moment whether I should go, I mean I do have the experience and if MG and Kaleb were going I can find out whether or not Kaleb is responsible.

Lizzie who was sitting on the other side of Josie stood up," Well I guess I can set aside my differences with Dana for one day, because that's what heroes do."

My eyebrows scrunched together confused, Josie saw my confusion and mouthed later to me.

Dr. Saltzman sighed and Lizzie continued,"So I guess I volunteer as tribute."

Hope two rows a head of me,"She battles one gargoyle and suddenly she's Mother Teresa."

That comment only added to my confusion.

MG, Kaleb, and Landon volunteered and the Assembly was dismissed.

I went to Dr. Saltzman's office and I knocked and I heard his voice tell me to come in.

"Stiles what can I do with you?" He asked.

"I'd like to go with the other kids to the high school I have a bit of experience of finding people and I think I could help a lot."

"I agree Caroline filled me in on some of your exploits but before you go I need to tell you what we're dealing with right now."

So he told me everything about the dragon, the gargoyle, the knife, and the mystery of Landon Kirby.

"Well I think you guys should put that in your brochure," I said after he finished explaining.

Dr. S huffed a laugh and I left.

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