Awkward silences

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Ow... Jessi said but jeff got up and ran to jessi. She started to fall but he caught her. I...I think you need to go lay down. My head just hurts a lot. ben sighed and went outside for a Minute. Ash was just siting in the dark room watching when she saw jessi she bolted into the living room but saw Ben leaving really upset. She slowly walked out to him, h...hey it's not your fault. Ya it is, I mean she could have a concussion. I know guys that have made her head bleed, trust me you did what you had to so don't go beating your self up over it. Ok should we go back and help jessi? Or just stay out of the hour long silences? Said Ben. I kinda enjoyed them because of my hangover but we can stay out here if you want, she's gunna be okay I swear. Ok and I know she's fine but I just keep worrying about her like I'm her guardian . or something. I...I just don't know. Said Ben. Jessi came tumbling out h...hey dani what happened after I left? Here sit down. Ben offered jessi a seat and she collapsed in it ( it was an outside clean couch ) well I was at the park with jeff when Ben called saying that you were scaring him, asking jeff if he wanted to play a game. I told him to lock everything and hit you with a pan or something so that you didn't try to hurt him. He listened and got a pan and whacked you with it, that's why your head hurts. Oh, why'd you do that Ben?! ... So that you wouldn't try to hurt kill or beat senselessly him. dani spoke up for Ben seeing how he was a little frightened by Jessi's change in tone. Sorry... Said Ben. It's ok... Said jessi. They just kind of whispered to each other apologizing. I'll...just go so you guys don't have to whisper. Okay said jessi. Dani went back to ash and jeff but it was quieter than quiet should ever be, it was so thick it felt like ash was drowning in it or had downed in it. She opened her mouth a litte like she was going to say something but nothing ever came out. Finally dani said h...Hey... But it was still so very thick.

Meanwhile somewhere at someone's place

She's going to be mine I know it if Only I could just get her alone...

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