Too Late...(pt.2)

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A/N: Here is part two of 'Too late' This was originally going to be one full chapter but it was too long so, there will actually be a third part of 'Too late' though I don't know when I'll post it as I also have some other stories in the works.

This takes place from Arlo and Blyke's perspective and as always, I hope you all enjoy! ^-^

*WARNING*: This chapter contains violence, mentions of blood and death. Viewer discretion is advised please!

Blyke walked out into the common room on the first floor. It was late in the day but he and Isen had just finished up a group project and right now, he needed a good cup of tea.

Just as he finished boiling up some water, he heard rushed footsteps. He turned to see a ravenette rushing to pull a hoodie on as he raced through the hallway.

Normally, Blyke could care less about the teen. But something was off. The ravenette's face was twisted in worry as he scrambled to pull his shoes on, stuffing what appeared to be a slip of paper in his pocket before taking off out the door.

Blyke raised an eyebrow before looking at the time. 'The hell? Where's he going at this hour? It's almost curfew.'

Normally it was at 8:30 but because it was Sunday and students had school the next day, curfew was earlier.

Blyke only shrugged. Whatever, he didn't care. John could go get lost for all he cared. He finished pouring himself his tea when his mind brought him back to it.

'Stop thinking about it Blyke. Who cares if he's scared about something? He's probably just-wait...scared?' The redhead froze as a feeling on uneasiness crept over him.

What could John, the ruthless Joker and now all powerful tyrant of Wellston, be scared about? And if it scared him, should the rest of them be worried?

The redhead shut his eyes. 'It's not my business, it's not my business, it's not my-uggghhh f*ck it!'

Blyke groaned as he slammed down his cup, his curiosity getting the better of him. He walked out of the building after going back to get his shoes and phone.

'I swear, if I had to leave my tea to get cold because of nothing, I'm going to strangle him!'

He walked out into the fading dusk, the sun having begun to set over the horizon.

He was on his way along the path outside of the school when he bumped into Arlo, the blonde looking down at the redhead. "Blyke? What are you doing out here?"

The redhead looked from side to side. He didn't see the ravenette.

Right now, he felt so stupid for doing this! What was he even hoping to accomplish in the first place? "Honestly, I don't know. Ugh, I don't even know why I'm following him! This is probably the most stupid idea I've ever had!" The teen slapped his forehead.

Arlo only raised an eyebrow. "Following who?"

The redhead sighed. "You're going to think I'm crazy." The blonde only crossed his arms. "Please, how crazy can it be-" "I was following John."

Arlo's eyes went wide as he stared at the teen before him. "Nevermind what I said before. You're insane Blyke!"

He huffed as he walked back and forth slightly. "I know! I don't even know why I'm doing this! He's probably fine."

Arlo was about to ask him what he thought was going on but stopped when he saw...someone...moving on the roof of the school.

"Blyke...there's someone on the roof..."

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