Chapter Fifty-One: Reina

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A few hours found the three mates slowly waking up to an incessant knocking sound. Reina groaned loudly and threw on an over-sized shirt and went to answer the door. Opening it just wide enough to see who was on the other side. Maria glowered at her.

"Reina, we've been waiting to debrief with you and your mates. What is taking you so long?" She paused and took a deep breath smelling the air before scowling at her daughter. "Seriously?!"

"Ma!" Reina blushed. "Sorry, we, uh, got sidetracked. We'll be down in just a few minutes."

"You better be," Maria frowned and walked away. Reina closed the door and sighed.

"Is your mom mad?" Alex asked softly as she stood and began getting dressed.

"A little bit," Reina sighed.

"Sor..." Alex began but Dana cut her off as she got up and went over to her dresser.

"Don't be. You needed to relax. Maria will get over it soon enough."

Alex looked doubtful as she finished getting dressed. As soon as the three of them were decently dressed, they quickly hurried to the boardroom where the Royal Triumvirate was waiting for them. In the room as well was each of the seconds to the Triumvirate. After taking their seats, Reina explained what happened to Alex plus some relevant details of her mate's dream.

"Are sure that man was Markus Storm," Tomi's second, Curtis Storm, looked pale.

"Absolutely," Reina just barely kept the growl out her voice. "He looked exactly like you except that the left half of his face was burned." Curtis and Tomi exchanged a look before the male sighed.

"I thought he was dead. When Tomi chose me as her second, Markus was furious. He felt that as the older of the two of us, he should have the right to be second to the Warrior Princess. Hell, if it was his choice, he probably would've wanted to be a member of the Triumvirate." Curtis paused so Tomi took up the tale.

"Curtis, Markus, and I grew up together in my home pack. We were close friends. Markus always had...extreme ideas about how to deal with rogues and pack structure. Curtis was the calmer of the two and we always worked well together so when it was time for me chose my second... well it was a no-brainer. Anyway, Markus decided that if he couldn't be my second then he would be the Alpha of his own pack. Our home pack already a strong succession line so he began to wander throughout the various packs trying to find one that he could become Alpha of. We lost touch for several years."

"Until we launched the rogue rehabilitation project," Curtis said retaking the speaking role. "We heard of a rogue alpha speaking out against the project and killing any rogue that tried to join. I tried to go and speak to this alpha and was surprised when it turned out to be my brother. We had a huge argument. He believed that project was horrible. That it was too gentle. The only way for rogues to rejoin society was if they suffered first. We parted ways that day." Curtis sighed softly and looked miserable. "I should've arrested him, but he was my brother. I thought he could change... Then he attacked the Silver Claw Pack. Completely destroying them."

Dana frowned, "I thought no one knew what happed to the Silver Claw Pack. When Reina and I looked at the records of the Rogue Rehabilitation Project, we saw that there was a center near where the pack used to be."

Maria sighed, "we thought it would be best if no one knew what happened to that pack. Besides, we thought the threat was gone."

Curtis nodded, "The Silver Claw Pack sent out a distress signal. I arrived in the middle of the attack. The main house was on fire and Markus and I fought inside of it. A beam fell on him. I thought he was dead. Most the rogues he brought were dead or fled. Unfortunately, the Silver Claw Pack had always been on the small side and the attack completely wiped them out. Even the newborn Alpha child was killed in the fight."

"Well," Reina frowned remembering a detail from the dream. "Markus and his current cronies are hiding out in the ruins of the pack."

"And they've kidnapped Lei," Alex said. "She saved my life when I imprisoned. She's a good person, even if her mate has...a lot to be desired."

Maria nodded slowly, exchanging a look with her mates. "Don't worry. We'll rescue her and end Markus Storm's threat for good." She looked at Tomi, "prepare your best squad for the mission to take place in a week's time."

So, I had a fun day on Friday. My dad and I are on the same phone plan and he broke his phone; so, we went to the nearest town that had a Best Buy which is about an hour away from us. So, we ended up buying new phones for both of us. We ate lunch at a favorite restaurant of ours that also doesn't exist in our town. On the way back the heater hose my car broke and antifreeze and oil kinda went everywhere in my engine and we had to call a tow truck. At this time, I don't know how bad the damage is to my car and I need a car for my paying job as a delivery driver. So, I also got a new yay.

In other news we're in the endgame now. The story will end soon, probably around Christmas.

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