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You were grateful for a normal day after everything that had been happening in your life lately. You put on your club outfit back at your apartment before heading to work, not even really thinking about whether you were still employed or not. It hadn't been discussed and you were on the schedule, so you decided to show up regardless.

Once you walked in, you spotted Jenna and Tyler chatting at the bar, your eyes narrowing in curiosity as you strode over to them.

"Hey, guys," you greeted them, wondering if they were involved. It would be hard for you to believe that everything going on at the club had gone right over their heads. They at least had to have an idea of what went on.

"Nice job on the hit the other night," Tyler commented, a small smile crossing his lips as he leaned against the surface of the bar.

Your eyes widened at his words as you gazed between them.

"So, you guys are in on everything," you murmured, figuring they had to be somewhat involved. They seemed close enough to Gerard and the others to be.

"We don't really get too involved. They do protect us, though," Jenna explained to you.

"Oh, gotcha," you responded with a nod, realizing that they just kept the club running and the secrets on the down low for the Way family. They probably did their own form of surveillance and information gathering on the side.

"Y/N? What are you doing here?"

You whipped around to watch Gerard stride toward you, a confused look crossing his face.

"I was on the schedule," you responded with a faint shrug. You actually had no idea what you were doing when it came to anything in your life, but you had been taking it one day at a time. You just wanted to do the right thing, and you figured that the chance to would eventually pop out at you.

A chuckle sounded from Gerard as he stopped in front of you, his eyes sweeping up your body before settling on your eyes. He wore his typical white button down with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and black pants, his hair looking messy and styled at the same time.

"Come with me. Let's talk," Gerard told you, motioning for you to follow him into his office. He perched on the edge of his desk as he nodded to the chair in front of him, his eyes trailing you as you moved to sit down.

You tilted your head up to meet his gaze, momentarily losing yourself in the soft hazel of his eyes. Sometimes, you forgot that he murdered people quite frequently. Deep down, he seemed to have such a soft nature to him, one that struck you harder than you wished for it to.

"What would you like to talk about?" You asked him to cut into the silence that had settled in the room. You could sit there and stare at him all day, but you had a mafia family to take down.

Gerard lowered his eyes from yours as he spoke, seeming to snap out of his own daze.

"We believe that we have found a business that's run by the Sykes family. It's just a laundromat, but we're pretty sure they're using it as a cover to funnel money through. I was wondering if you could investigate the place more closely for us," Gerard asked you, a hopeful look crossing his face.

It was strange for him to be asking you to be doing anything. He could kill you in a second, but he was asking instead of demanding. Maybe he did take you and the possible help that you could give seriously.

"Why me?" You couldn't help but ask. Any of the others were good enough to do recon.

"Well, Oli and his crew knows us and what we look like. He knows you're an agent working indirectly for him, but he doesn't know that you're actually on our side. You have the perfect cover as an agent," Gerard explained to you, a small smirk quirking up on his lips.

You nodded your understanding, seeing where he was coming from. The Agency indirectly protected you. Oli thought that you were working for him, but you were actually out for his head.

"Alright, I'll do it. I have some clothes that need to be washed anyway," you muttered, having lacked on cleaning and cooking lately. Living a double life had put a serious crimp in your personal and social life. You had hardly been at your apartment lately because you were so busy working with Gerard and the others, while also keeping the Agency from being suspicious.

Gerard chuckled and nodded as he stood up from his desk, his hand reaching out for yours to pull you to your feet. Once you stood, his hand remained over yours.

"Be careful. One of his associates often checks in on the laundromat from time to time. Just ... keep cool," Gerard told you, his eyes moving to yours once again.

You swallowed hard and nodded, noticing how close you stood to him. You could even detect the slightest dash of cologne that threatened to make your head spin. Sheesh. You needed to get laid. A Mafia boss was not a good prospective lay for you right now, and it didn't help that he was ridiculously good-looking. The bad guys always had to be the hottest.

"Yeah ... cool. Got it," you murmured, threatening to stumble over your words. Your brain was on the cusp of malfunctioning.

"I do appreciate all that you're doing by helping us. I know it's hard having your life flipped upside down," Gerard told you sincerely, his thumb gently stroking a line across the top of your hand.

His words meant more than he realized. It was hard for you to deal with the fallout of everything that you once knew. You felt like your entire life was a lie at that point, but you couldn't sit around and cry about it. You just wanted to do some good, and the Way family had presented an opportunity for you to right some wrongs.

"I'm just glad to actually be helping the right people this time," you replied with a small smile, your eyes dropping down to his hand over yours. You gently turned your hand and gave his a squeeze before stepping away, feeling your heart pound heavily in your chest. It was hard to not get attached, to not want to get close to him, but business came first. Plus, you were from two different worlds. There was no way that they could safely collide.

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