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(time skip 3 weeks)

Your P/O/V:

Loud explosions echo through the building and I stay huddled in the corner ignoring the plaster that falls from the ceiling. I feel weak and tiered but I can't sleep. The chains have worn away the skin on my ankles and wrists leaving nothing but bloody marks. Someone bangs on the door and I shudder at the sound wishing I could block it out.

The door creaks open and I stare blankly at the guards who open it. "Come on, the general wants a word." two of them grab me under the arms pulling me up. They drag me along several corridors avoiding the debri that still litters the floor. They abandoned the old base and have moved into an old base in some mountain range. They are blowing new rooms and passages deep into the mountain creating a sort of underground maze. At least that is what I have gathered from the guards and all the explosions.

They drag me into a bright room and push me into a metal chair securing my shackles to the ground and the arm rests. I scowl at them and they stand by the door. The four of them stand tall and salute when a tall man with cropped grey hair enters the room. He is wearing a black suit and has a gun strapped on his side.

"Well miss L/N. Have you decided to co-operate yet? Or would you like another taster of our power?" I glare at him staying silent, he sighs clearly disappointed "Very well, pain it is."

Pietro P/O/V:

I stare blankly at the wall in-front of me. Where could she be? Someone knocks on the door and I ignore them. "Pietro. Let me in." I frown "Go away." she sighs "Pietro please, open the door." I scowl "I don't want to talk Wanda!" the door opens and she walks inside smiling sadly "We all miss her. But you can't not eat." I shake my head tears falling down my face, she walks over sitting down next to me and wrapping her arms around my shoulders. 

"We're going to find her. Hydra messed with the wrong family. What ever happens they will pay for taking her." I nod and shiver "They're going to torture her." she nods hugging me tighter "She's strong." we stay silent wrapped in each others embrace for a long while.

"Dinner's on the table if you would like anything to eat." Wanda pulls away smiling sadly taking my hand "Come on." I stand stiffly and we walk over to Natasha. We walk through to the dinning room and I collapse into a seat staring blankly at the plate in-front of me. The whole team is silent and solemn. 

"We may have some information on Y/N's location," I look up slightly staring at Tony who continues "There has been a strange number of reports coming in about explosions in the Koryak mountain range. Russia. Apparently it's some long forgotten Hydra base. It was supposed to abandoned but the reports say otherwise." everyone stares at him and Natasha smiles slightly "I know those mountains." Bucky nods "So do I."

They start describing the mountains and we get a better picture of where Y/N could be. Steve smiles "Well it's a start." the others nod and we finish eating a slightly lighter feel to the room. 

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