Blush: The RAINBOW Connection🌈

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Mush rolled over and slammed his alarm clock off. He got out of the inviting warmth of his bed and slunk into the bathroom. He looked at his chest. A large black mark covered the area. He looked at the black surface and wondered when his rainbow stripes would appear. He pulled a mint green button-down over his dark blue jeans. He brushed his teeth and hair. Running down the stairs, he grabbed his cap and bag. He took an apple out of the bin on the counter and ate it at the bus stop. He climbed onto the bus and sat in an open seat. The bus stopped as a boy walked onto the bus. He walked up to Mush and pulled out one of his earbuds.

"Can I sit near the window? It helps with my motion sickness." the boy said, pushing the hair out of his eyes. That's when Mush saw the brown eyepatch covering his right eye. He slammed into the other boy as he got out of the seat. He felt a sense of euphoria rush through his veins. He unbuttoned the top button on his shirt and saw a big rainbow mark covering his chest.

"Oh. Sorry about that! I'm Mush." Mush stuttered, looking at the blond in front of him.

The boy looked up. "It's okay! I'm Kid Blink. You can call me Blink."

"I don't mean to be nosy, but have you gotten your soulmate mark yet?" Blink asked. "I just got mine."

Mush's face dropped. "I got mine when I slammed into you. I think we are soulmates."

Blink smiled and brushed his hair back. Mush pulled Blink in for a hug. As Blink returned the hug, the bus halted.

"Let's go, soulmate," Blink said.

Mush laughed and grabbed Blinks' hand, leading him into the building.

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