Chapter 8: Springlocked

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You have to go to the parts and service room because Scott gave you some papers he said William needed to sign. You hated walking to that room afraid the last time you were in there would repeat again but in all reality you longed to see him, especially his silver eye's. You remembered when You saw that his skin changed to a purple, it honestly scared you but you shook it off as your mind playing tricks on you. As you were walking down the hallway you heard sort of a loud clamping sound and you stopped and looked behind you.

"Scott?" You asked but no one answered.

You walk into the parts and service room.

"Ok Afton, Scott said you needed to sign these." You said in a angsty tone.

William wasn't in the room. You looked around but only saw a old yellow bunny suit that looked like bonnie. You kneeled next to it examining the rabbit when it said your name. 


You jumped back but it spoke again.

"I-It's me....... help." 

The suit twitched a bit. You looked more closely at the suit and you could see a puddle of blood forming under the suit. You remembered what Scott said in the tapes that he made everyone listen to on there first week on the job and you quickly winded a lever on the suit that moved the animatronic devices to the sides of the suit from the inside. Quickly, you pulled the suit off the person inside. After you took every piece off you realized that the person was William... He was covered in blood and there were huge gashes all over his body, blood was dripping from his nose and his mouth. 

"WILLIAM!!!" You screamed as you quickly held him against you. He rested his head against your chest, he was breathing heavily and his eye's looked like they were about to shut and he couldn't move nor speak. You stroked his hair and held him close. 

"Hey! It'll be ok! Just don't go to sleep alright!?" you said with tears running down your cheeks.

William nodded with the small amount of strength he had.

"SCOTT!! HENRY!!" You screamed at the top of your lungs hoping they would know what to do since your mind was running a mile a minute.

Scott and Henry quickly ran into the room seeing William in your arms.

"I'LL CALL 911!" Scott said as he ran out of the room for the phone.

Henry quickly ran over to William and knelt next to him to hold his hand.

"DAMMIT WILL! WHY WOULD YOU GET IN THAT DAMN THING!?" Henry yelled afraid for his friends life.

Two hours pasted and you and Scott were sitting in the hospital waiting room while Henry was with William. Scott was afraid and trembling a bit from what he saw. you decided to make small talk to calm him down.

"So, how is William your brother if your last names are different?" You ask.

"My parents adopted William when we found out his father was abusing him." He said, "But he has always been a real brother to me..... I-Is he gonna be ok?" He asked, his voice a bit shaky.

"He'll be ok!" You said as you started to rub Scott's back which made him feel better.

"Thanks Linsey, I'm glad your apart of our Fazbear family." Scott smiled.

Henry walked out into the waiting room.

"So!?" You say with urgency.

"He needs a ton of stitches but he'll be alright surprisingly." Henry said.

You and Scott both sighed in relief as Henry continued.

"William will be out of the hospital by tomorrow but he needs to rest at home for a week." Henry explained.

"I can't take care of him! I have four birthday parties this week!" Scott said in a panicked manner.

"Well I have to go to that business convention this week." Henry argued.

You spoke up.

"I could take care of him!"

"Would you Linsey?" Scott asked.

"Of course!" You said.

Thanks for 300+ reads guys! Makes me feel good that people are reading this stuff  

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