Dances and Sleepovers

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Favorite Holiday

Friday, July 3rd
Belle's POV

It's been over a week since I've moved in with Roman and I've never been more bored in my life. I'm still on vacation days so I have no work, I've barely had a conversation with the man since the first night, the only talk we've had was either about the phantom or the ring that he gave me at breakfast since we were technically 'engaged' so people don't ask questions about a ring.

How Rico Suave Of him.

I went home for a day or two to spend time with my brothers for a bit but they can only entertain me for so long. Roman said that we would have left to Italy by now, not that I'm in a hurry to leave or anything but the quicker we leave, the quicker these months will start. However I decided to bite the bullet of my boredom to seek out entertainment.

I crept the halls that I spent all week memorising to Romans office were he spends most of the day cooped up. I knocked softly on the door and played with my hair as I waited for his reply. "You don't need to knock Belle, just come in." He sighed on the other side of the door so I just went ahead and walked in.

"What do you need?" He asked looking up from his papers. "I am bored out of my mind in this apartment." I deadpanned. "You wanted me, so you should be responsible for my entertainment." I bored. He let out a small groan before meeting my eyes.

"Your a grown woman Belle, what do you want me to do?" He exasperated, "I don't know, something, I might end up killing myself before we even get fake married if I have to live like this!" I exclaimed dramatically, sitting in one of the chairs in front of his desk. "It's not a fake marriage Belle, it's very real so get used to that before you slip up in front of the wrong people." He scowled.

"Now in the matters of your boredom, I have no way to entertain you so please see yourself out and come up with something." He practically begged, I just rolled my eyes in annoyance before walking out as asked. "God I'm so Bored!" I yelled, in hopes of disturbing Roman and possibly making sure god could hear my prayer for entertainment.

And my my god apparently did hear it loud and clear as the elevator dinged and out stepped a tall, lanky looking man along with a little girl who looked to be about nine or ten. "Who are you?" I asked nonchalantly as I grabbed an apple bitting it carelessly. "The more important question is who are you and what are you doing here?!" Asked the man. "What is all the noise about!?" Roman half shouted as he came down the stairs.

"Fillipo, Valentina? What are you guys doing here?" He asked reaching the bottom of the stairs. "We were here to see how things were going, we weren't aware you had company over." He smiled at me, to which I returned cluelessly. Roman came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist nestling his chin between my neck and shoulder. "Fillipo, Valentina, this is my fiancé Belle." He introduced me and the tall man, Fillipo immediately smiled.

"Belle, Fillipo is my butler at home in Italy and that munchkin is Valentina, my little sister." He told me, still holding me close. I remember him mentioning his little sister when I went to his office a few weeks ago. "Nice to meet you guys." I said with a small smile. "Same to you." he said grabbing my hand to shake. Valentina had already run off so it was just us three. Roman places a small kiss on the base of my neck and I fight the urge to kick him in his jewels.

He doesn't stop as Fillipo discusses how great it is that Roman has finally settled down and giving compliments on my looks, also offering different meals he could cook for dinner. "Why don't you get back to work and I'll help get Valentina settled." I offered to Roman finally making him stop his actions however it backfired when he agreed, kissing my lips knowing I wouldn't jerk away like I want to since were in the presence of someone else.

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