Chapter five

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The thought of edwin never leave her mind, she kept thinking of him, of how handsome and how muscular he is now than before and how he had broken  her heart to pieces. She miss him so much, she will have to forget about him because he has already moved on with his life, he had completely forgot about her. Tears slide down her cheek why is she even crying! she is done with crying over him every night. She wipe her tears and smiled to herself, it time to also move on with her own life, she thought aloud to herself. The ringing telephone at the bedside Jared her from her thought. "Hello? she said tiredly into the receiver "miss steel there is an emergency " fear grip her, which kind of emergency at the dead of the night. "Mr. Desmond coat is at your house he wants you to bring, he said he really want to use it.
"What? Why me, I can't do it sir it almost midnight and besides I don't even know his house. "Yes You will or you know what is going to happen, there is a car outside, that's his car, The driver is going to take you there. "Why can't the driver take the coat "she said in disgust. "He said he wants you and if you refuse you clearly know what is going to happen. "Okay sir "anastasia said not wanting to be fired from her only income. She look out the window and find a exotic car outside, she sign and close the curtain. What should she wear, is her hair okay although she had died her hair back to it natura colour. Why is she even worried about what to wear? It not like she is going there to impress him besides he already has a girlfriend. Finally wearing a black top and a jeans she look around for his jacket and saw it on the sofa, she went outside and lock the door, she walk towards  the car, the driver open the passenger door, she entered and settled down, the driver sat at the driving seat and drove off.

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