Chapter 137: Assurance

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Erin dodged the attack and did a tumble. She and Issei were currently training at the Household. They requested Archaea to set up a barrier around the large training room so it won't blow up the area

"Nice, Issei. Your attacks hold a lot more power than before."

"Thanks, Erin." Issei said as he wiped his forehead. The two have already been training for an hour.

"Azazel mentioned that we don't have to worry too much about the Practical, though." Erin sipped her bottle of water and sat on the floor.

"Yeah but I still want to make sure. I want to earn as many points as I can in case I do bad at the other parts of the exam." Issei sat beside the Goddess.

"Well, I guess you are right on that one."

"Other than that, I wanted to become stronger." Issei raised his arm. "I still have to unlock a safer version of the Juggernaut Drive. I think I will focus on that."

"Hm. You still haven't countered the negative state of the past users, right?" Erin made a thinking expression

"Yeah. The last time I tried visiting the consciousness sphere was during our trip to Kyoto." Issei leaned on the wall and shifted the conversation. "I wonder.. how did you feel when fighting Sairaorg? And I do feel bad that I got knocked out early. That damn lion got me big time."

Erin chuckled on Issei's rant about the lion Nemea

"Everything kind of happened so fast. Rias got injured by the lion as well. After that, me and Sairaorg are engaging in a one-on-one fistfight."

The Goddess placed a finger on her chin

"If I wasn't so high on the adrenaline, then I think I would have been more aware on how Sairaorg's punches hurt." Erissei winced at the memory of the man's attacks.

"But observing Sairaorg as a whole, I can say that he is a mysterious person."

Issei listened to the words with interest

"When I first fought him at the Sparring Match, I initially thought that it would be foolish to hit him face to face and dodging his attacks would be the most appropriate thing." Erin gave off an amused smile. "But before I know it, I am fighting against him head on and throwing punches with him at the Rating Game."

"That's the kind of person Sairaorg Bael is. He makes you want to have a hitting contest with him. And there is no reason behind that." The two shared a laugh at the conclusion.

"He looks like he can solve any problems he have with his fists." Issei replied. "I still think he's intimidating and scary."

"That's true too."

Erin removed the ring from her finger and Issei observed her curiously.



"You can have this." The Goddess placed the item on Issei's palm. "You can use that to help you in reaching the users, so you can activate a safer version of your Juggernaut Drive."

"Isn't this the ring you and Kiba got from your past devil job?" Issei examined the item. "I think I saw Kiba wearing a pendant of this one."

"That ring is like a vessel which helps you reach the consciousness sphere. I don't have any use for that anymore since I erased most of the negative energies of the past users of my gear."

Issei was about to protest but Erin stopped him

"It's really fine. Besides, I don't think Akeno and Rias like seeing that on my hand. They might deny it but I sense that they secretly want to get rid of it, especially if they weren't the ones who gave me the ring." joked Erin to the boy.

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