009. weird dreams

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"Haru...? Why are you here?"

Who...? Ham Haru's eyes slowly opened when a familiar voice resounded.

What caught her attention was the red wine coloured hair dancing with the wind, and the green orbs locked with her brown ones.

She had just recovered from the shocking discovery of this world, and now she was, again, faced with another obstacle.

Kwon Eunhyung.

Ah, but he told me I met him when we were kids...are we childhood friends then...? I should take note of that. At that reminder, Ham Haru's uneasiness slowly faded. Not that she minded him appearing since he was her favorite drawing reference, but she had to keep in mind that this was a dream. Anything goes. All she needed to do was act naturally.

"...Oh, my sister went with a close friend of hers and I didn't want to get in their way."

The ebony girl answers with a sheepish smile, hastily shoving her notebook and mechanical pencil inside her bag, pretending to be not suspicious. Thank God, he didn't mind her actions and simply gave a gentle smile. He wasn't the type you could easily tell his thoughts, but the safe side was that he's friendly.

"I see... Then, would you like to go home together?" At his question, Ham Haru was taken aback. You don't get to hear this everyday, so it was new.

"...but don't you still need to ride a train to reach your place?"

As the words escaped her lips, Ham Haru wondered how she knew that.

Must be the dream finally helping me out. Sometimes, you learn stuff you didn't even know in dreams.

Kwon Eunhyung looked surprised for a moment, but then his close eyed smile dominated his attractive face again. Flowers seemed to bloom around him that Ham Haru was tempted to pull out a pencil and a notebook once more to sketch his divine figure. He was that handsome.

"It's fine. I'm more worried about you, Haru. It's not safe for a girl to walk around alone. There are many bad guys in the world, you know?"

Even if his sweet words played music to her ears, Ham Haru still couldn't miss the scolding note that was laced with it. I'm guessing he's the independent and overprotective type... She sweat dropped.


After she said that, Ham Haru felt herself puffing her cheeks. It wasn't her intention to say that, but the way the guy spoke, the 'sorry' just came out. At the moment, she knew, this guy was terrifying. In the future if we still interact, I best should not anger this guy.

"I'm not mad at you. But next time, tell me if you're on your own and I'll gladly walk you home."

He chuckled at Ham Haru's apologetic response, but she could sense that he was dead serious about it. He claimed not to be angry, but the aura he emitted sent her warning chills that she should've been more careful.

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