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"Be prepared for lots of noise when you get inside the house, I'm afraid my kids love visitors."

"That's all right. I had a friend once who had triplets for siblings, there house was filled with as much noise as you could get." Keefe said to the man, who nodded, helping him out of the metal vehicle.

Remembering his words he wondered now if he could still call the elves he'd met before his friends. After all he planned never to see them, and all except for Foster he had left without a word. What would they think of him now? He could hardly stand to imagine it. Shaking those thoughts from his head he realized what he needed was a good environment. Maybe this would be it.

And as he gazed around he noticed the few trees, some were a mild green while others were withered and composed only of one color. Brown.

Just like Foster's eyes, he realized. Wishing he could pause and sit back and reminisce on what if's and could have beens, but he knew he could never start. This was his life now, in the forbidden cities.

"Here's my home." The man said, gesturing to a small one story house with a fenced backyard.

"It's nice." Keefe said, looking at the flowers hung from a hook attached too the perch of a wall. He walked closer to where the man stood and waited patiently as he pressed the doorbell.

"Richard! You brought someone home again." A female human stood in front of him now, a wide smile on her face as she held the door open for the two of them to walk in.

What had she meant by again? Was this a common occurrence?

"Well I couldn't exactly leave a young lad stranded on the road. Now could I?" Richard said, smilingly at who Keefe could only guess was his wife.

"And what's the boys name by any chance?" The wife asked, turning her gaze from Keefe to her husband as neither spoke a word.

"Oh don't tell me you haven't even learned his name. Kids what did I tell your father last time he did this?"

"That if daddy ever did that again he'd have to treat us all to dinner, so that he could show off his politeness." A little boy squeaked, appearing from underneath a table.

Keefe guesses the boy was about eight years old, he had a chubby sort of face, with brown hair and green eyes, a peculiarity Keefe would have to get used too, seeing others with different colored eyes.

"Well that's part of it. But sounds like a great idea doesn't it dear?" The wife held her husband's gaze, Keefe stifled a laugh at the look in her eyes, as if daring him to disagree with her.

"Fine, fine. But first what is your name boy?"

"It's Keefe. Keefe Sencen." Keefe said slowly, watching as the little boy turned to stare at him.

"Kee-fa" A girl said, she had wandered into the room seconds earlier.

That must be there daughter, he realized, the father had told him they had two kids. However they weren't as noisy as he'd said before. The girl looked about the age of six and had golden brown hair, a look of awe in her eyes as she stared at Keefe and than raced towards him, and as she walked a smile was alive on her lips, but as she came closer Keefe noticed she was having difficulty and saw one of her feet was disfigured, which made her awfully clumsy and breathless when she reached Keefe. Hugging his legs when she couldn't reach higher. Keefe stared down, smiling at her, sympathy aching at his heart. How could this little girl have such a warm smile when such pain shown in the way she walked?

"That's Kye, and our son Jack. My name is Delaney Mcfield. You can call me Mrs. Mcfield or Delaney or whatever you want." The woman said, snapping Keefe from his thoughts as she smiled at him.

"And I'm Richard Mcfield, I hope you'll come to dinner with us. It's been a bit since we went out and we can stop at the animal shelter I mentioned."

"Animals!" The little boy yelled, mumbling all of the kinds he loved. "Kitty cats that meow and little dogs that run run run!"

Keefe could only nod at the generous offer of a meal and smile as he watched the children. He'd never known what it was like to have a place to belong. And he didn't feel it yet, but right now he was happy. And yes it was temporary, yes he still had worries, yes he missed his friends. But it was a fresh start. A chance at lasting happiness.

And that was enough for him.

After Unlocked, a sokeefe Fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now