Chapter 25

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Location: L.G.D  Headquarters, Rooftop

Spade is aiming his gun at the wounded Mephisto with his finger on the trigger, slowly pulling it.

Mephisto: Ah, so this is what Talulah warned us about... Faust, give him a shake-down.

Spade saw a glint from the corner of his eye. Knowing his encounters with Snipers back in Chernobog, he already knew what to do next.

Spade spins his gun away from Mephisto before firing a shot at Faust.


Not expecting the shot, Faust flinched and accidentally pulled the trigger, an arrow whizzed by Spade's head and stuck itself on to the side of the wall.

Ch'en: Spade!

Spade: Sniper 7 o'clock! 

Mephisto: You... Made him miss...

Ch'en: Tch, have you still not realized the position you're now in?

Mephisto: Of course, I've figured it out. My squad has been crushed, Faust's location had been compromised, and I'm the only one left. Most of our forces outside have already captured, and my comrades have lost their will to fight. Is that what you wanted to hear me say?

Ch'en: So you're not that arrogant after all.

Mephisto: Well then... Come, my guards. Rise.

The staff in Mephisto's hand started to glow as Originium crystals started to appear and enlarge on the Reunion soldier's corpses.

Suddenly, one of the corpses moved, then another, and another, until all of them stood up straight and faced Spade and Ch'en, letting out a guttural scream before one of them charged at them.

Possessed Reunion Member: OOAAAARRGGH!!!

Spade: Zombies... Groove~

Spade holsters his handcannon before pulling out Chaperone and cocking the lever action.

Ch'en: The bits of Originium on their bodies... are growing?

Mephisto: The Originium will pierce through their bodies and become their new form. These are my guards, my immortal guards.

One of the guards let out a roar as Ch'en and Spade enter their stances.

Mephisto: Take it all, my herd, my comrades...

Mephisto opened his palm and blew on it, sending white feathers towards the herd, healing them.

Ch'en: Feathers?

Spade: Must be some kind of healing Art. Watch yourself, Ch'en.

Ch'en: I know.

The soldiers seemed to spasm out and dropped to the floor, it then stood up again, acting more animalistic than before.

Spade: He's controlling them, try to take Mephisto out first...

Ch'en nodded and waits on Spade's signal.

Spade: I'll give you an opening, on the count of three... THREE!

Spade then dashes towards one of the soldiers and kicks them down before blowing its head off. Quickly reloading a round, Spade aims towards the other soldier and shoot them in the face.

Spade: Ch'en, NOW! 

Ch'en: Be carful, Spade!

Ch'en grabbed one of her swords and took a stance, she then dashes up to Mephisto ready to strike.

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