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When Phoenix woke up the next day, her head hurt but it was nothing that couldn't be fixed with a painkiller and some water. It wasn't as bad as she'd expected and she knew that she'd had a whole lot worse. Jax was already gone, probably off talking to some business or trade partners in the early hours while Phoenix took her time to start the day. She didn't get involved in his business like a good wife (even though they weren't married yet) so she resigned herself to getting ready for the Senate without his company.

The bedroom they shared was large, but the walk-in closet felt even larger. Once Phoenix had put her clothes in when they arrived, there was still room for three or four times the amount of what she had brought. It almost didn't surprise her considering how large Senator Amidala's suitcase always was. It seemed strange to take a mountain of clothes for only a two or three-week stay but Padme liked to be prepared and had the money. She was not from a privileged background per se but after serving as Queen since she was a young girl. She had the money and the taste of a Queen.

For Pheonix, the small amount of dresses made it easy for her and she was quick to decide on a dress for her day in the Senate. Once it was picked out, she did everything else necessary to look presentable and perfect. She had long learnt how to do the complex Coruscanti hairstyles herself before they even confirmed her to be a Senator. It was second nature now. Not that she had any handmaidens. They were unnecessary for her. She knew that if she was going to be the Senator; she had to act the part, which is what she did. Even now, she was never really part of the nobility of Mith and didn't consider herself to be at the same level as them. She never wanted to be at that level either.

With the finishing touches to the outfit in the form of the necklace that Jax had gifted her, she was ready for her day of debates and politics. Finishing up the last few speeches, she was ready to brave the snooty Senators. Hoping and praying that today would go better than the previous had. She didn't even feel listened to half to time by the snivelling male Senators in the building. Most of them were rich and overly ambitious men who found it to be below them to listen to a woman of all people.

But many of the debates were Padme and Phoenix and a united front would allow them to have a greater chance of success. Phoenix collected her things for the day before heading out of the room to meet Senator Amidala in the agreed place. A soft smile on her lips as she just tried to keep herself optimistic. She was sure that everything would be fine.

Most people who walked past her ignored her and usually that would have annoyed Phoenix but today she was glad. She didn't want the attention and didn't need it. Much more interested in gaining confidence to make the most out of her meetings and debates and discussions. That was much more important to her now.

As she made her way through the building, she spotted Padme down the corridor in front of the Senate room. Padme was speaking to a shorter woman in a similarly styled dress. Her hair was black and down. Her hair looked sleek and shiny and Phoenix tried not to gape at her beauty. Her skin was brown and her eyes were almond-shaped and a glittery blue colour. Phoenix didn't even realise she'd stopped until Padme turned and smiled, gesturing her the next couple of steps over.

FROM THE ASHES, obi-wan kenobi ✔Where stories live. Discover now