Chapter 7✨

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"Do you think our teacher has given him helpful advice?" Iida asks.

"He probably told him to start packing." Bakugo adds.

I looked to Midoriya.

"Come on Midoriya." I whisper to myself.

When he threw the ball for the second time, it went flying in the air. We all looked at him in shock. Uraraka cheered and I clapped.

"But he seems to have a broken finger. His quirk is very odd." Iida points out.

I looked at Bakugo, who was in complete shock. Then he start making small explosions with his hands. He went running straight for Midoriya. "Tell me how you did that you damn Deku!"

I wanted to stop him with my quirk but he could have gotten hurt crashing into one of my walls. Before we knew it Bakugo was caught in Aizawa's scarf, that is actually a capture weapon.

"You are just wasting time now so whoever is next go." Aizawa said.

I ran up to Bakugo. He looked pissed and deep in though. Maybe it's better that I let him be. He seems to think that Midoriya has been quirkless all this time. What is that suppose to mean? Did Midoriya barely get is quirk, is that even possible? I thought to myself.

After a few more test it was the end of the assessment. We were all bunched up standing next to each other. "I ranked you from worst to best so you should pretty much know what your standing is. There is no point going over scores individually, so I'll just put the whole list."

I had my fingers crossed as the list pulled up and I read through it quickly trying to find my name.

Shina Sumiye- Rank 10

That's right in the middle. Not too bad for it to be the first assessment.

I looked to see who at the bottom of the list and I see that it's Midoriya's name. Damn it, he just got here. I thought sadly.

Then Aizawa spoke up. "I was just kidding, no one is getting expelled. It was just so that you would do your best."

Everyone in the class was in shock, except for this girl with a ponytail.


It was after school and I was going to walk to a coffee shop to get an iced coffee. I was a little drained with the assessment that we did today. On my way out I saw Midoriya and Iida. I hope Midoriya is doing ok from his broken finger. I can ask him tomorrow, I'd rather not start something with Iida right now.

As I tried to walk away quickly Midoriya called me. I stopped in my tracks and winced, as I slowly turned around.

"Hey Sumiye- I mean Shina. How did you feel using your quirk differently?" He asked.

"Oh, It felt a little odd but I definitely helped. Thank you for your help, I really appreciate it." I told him.

"Oh, it was nothing." He says.

So how is your finger doing?" I ask

"Oh, Recovery Girl healed me so I'm better now."

"That's good to hear."  I smiled. Then Iida interjects by clearing his throat.

"I don't think I officially got your name?" Iida says.

"I don't remember giving it to you." I snap back.

This takes Iida and Midoriya, by surprise.

"I apologize if I did anything to offend you." Iida responds.

"I mean, you did call me and Bakugo cretins in the morning... but I wouldn't say offended." I say sarcastically.

Iida was in shock by my attitude but was stilling trying to remain calm.

"Anyway, I was talking to Midoriya about the class and our teacher. I was concerned with the way he ran class. But I trust U.A's judgement." Iida says.

"Oh, I happen to like the way Aizawa runs class. It's not a routine, you never know what to expect, so it keeps you engaged, not to mention that he's super blunt. He tells you how it is with no sugar coating, I appreciate that because in the real world no one is going to sugar coat things for us. It's just the right amount of reality." I say nonchalant, shocking Midoriya and Iida.

"I guess I never really thought about it like that...and you should call him Mr. Aizawa, he is our teacher after all." Iida says. 

Did he really point out that I didn't say Mr.... I-

"Anyway," I looked down at my phone to see the time, "I have to head out. See ya tomorrow. Bye guys." I say rushing away before getting sucked into another conversation. Don't get me wrong I enjoy Midoriya's company, but Iida....

He makes me wanna pull my hair out.

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