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Halime Sultan, her brother Yigit Bey, and his wife Safiyye Hatun were entering the tribe, everyone was cheering and welcoming them upon their arrival. Dundar looked more than happy to see his long lost friend again. Zohre was scared because of Halime and Safiyye's arrival while Selcan, Ayse, and Aygul were really happy. They all rushed down to meet them. "Welcome back Halime Sultan. Safiyye Hatun. Yigit Bey," Selcan said and hugged Halime. "Welcome everyone. Thank Allah that after a trouble, he sent us a blessing," Dundar said and brought them all to the marquee. Halime looked at her brother with a confused look. "Halime Sultan. I know that you just got here but there is a serious matter that we must discuss," Selcan said. Halime nodded and 

Kongar was trying to catch up to Balgay, but he was too late. Osman, Hayal, and Emine had taken a shortcut so they could confront Kongar and take him captive. Hayal was more than ready to catch him. When they surrounded him, his eyes went wide to see all three of them there. "What happened Kongar? You seem like a lost kitten?" Hayal said jokingly, making Emine a little surprised. He ignored her and turned to the young bey. "Osman?" he asked. Osman didn't respond. Instead, Hayal and Emine were tying him up and walking him over to Osman. "You knew that I was still here didn't you?" Kongar asked. "Thanks to Hayal, Kongar. And we saw you leaving," Emine remarked. This time, Hayal was the one who was smirking proudly at him, making him feel defeated. He surrendered to them and they tied him to his horse, taking him to the tribe.

Balgay, Cerkutay, and the alps that he put on the horse cart had stopped in their emergency meeting spot in await for Kongar. After waiting for half an hour, they gave up and rode off to the tribe. They were constantly whipping the alps on the back, but they stood strong. The drums were beating and everyone looked beyond shocked. Halime looked out to see and looked in shock as she saw all the people on the cart. "Allah! What type of Mongols are these!?" Halime cried. The Mongols had captured Ertugrul Bey once and had tortured him once. They had also come to Sogut to cause them problems 10-15 years ago. "They are even worse than Noyan," Yigit remarked. Halime nodded and was constantly moving. Safiyye looked like she was about to faint. "Safiyye! Are you okay?" Yigit asked as she was holding her head. "Yes, I'm fine. I just can't bear to watch them. Please take me somewhere else," she pleaded. "Ok, just bear with me," he replied and watched the Mongols wearily. "Tie them up and take them all inside!" Balgay ordered. They pushed them into the marquee and Balgay sat down on the beylic seat like it was meant just for him. Bamsi Bey was in a corner, watching everything happen. "Bala kizim. Hazir misin?" "Yes, I am Bamsi Bey. Inshallah, our plan will work out," "Inshallah," Bamsi bey said. "Inshallah."

*one hour earlier (Halime and Selcan's convo)*

"What is so urgent Selcan Hatun? Is everything okay?" Halime asked. "No. Things aren't going well. The Mongols came yesterday and took Dundar Bey for some questioning. I'm scared for the future of our tribe," Selcan said. She led her to a tent and gestured for her to be careful in here. Bala and Gonca were in there, setting up to do something. "This is Bala Hatun, Sheikh Edebali's daughter and Gonca Hatun," Selcan explained. "Kizlar, this is Halime Sultan, Osman Bey's mother." Bala's face lit up upon hearing this and Halime immediately understood and smiled. "So, what have you brought me here for?" Halime asked. "We know that the Mongols will show up again. So we are going to make a poison. Such a poison that it won't keep these barbarians for long," Bala explained.  Halime nodded. "You can't tell ANYONE. We would tell Safiyye Hatun, but we are just getting to know her," Selcan said. "It's ok. I understand. Well, we shouldn't wait any longer," Halime answered. They immediately got to work and Halime and Selcan went back to the marquee to not cause any suspicion. They were talking about Alisar's threat when they entered and they exchanged smug smiles to each other. A few minutes later, Bala called them both back to the tent. "Is it ready?" Halime asked kind of excitedly. "Yes, it is Halime..." Bala wasn't sure what to call her. "You can call me Halime Ana," she replied quietly. Bala gave her a nod of approval. "I fear the Mongols will be here soon. I'm going to find Bamsi Bey," Selcan said and went off quickly. 

Bamsi Bey was near the outskirts of the tribe where the spies would usually be. "I will be the death of you Mongol Barbarians," he said to himself as he saw them pass by, almost at the tribe. He was about to stop them and fight but Selcan Hatun came at the right time. "Bamsi Bey! What are you doing?" Selcan whispered. "I'm getting ready to fight these people. It's time for martyrdom!" Bamsi replied. "We haven't been martyred yet EvelAllah, but we need to be more patient. Come with me," she said and grabbed his arm, quickly dragging him to the tent where he saw all the other girls. "Welcome Halime Sultan," he said quickly. She nodded back. She explained the whole situation to him and he agreed to the plan. They all took a bottle of the poison and hid it in their belts and coats. They gave each other a final nod of approval and went back to the marquee. 


They were all now sitting inside the marquee, tied up and spears pointing at them. Balgay had Batur's rope in his hands, Cerkutay outside watching the alps. "All you little goat shepherds! You didn't realize that this land belongs to me, the all-powerful Balgay!" he said in between cackles. "Don't you DARE to do anything to my brother!" Aygul yelled. "Not so fast little girl, your brother isn't someone who deserves an easy death anyway!" he cackled. Aygul got really angry at him and tried to hit him, but the soldiers pulled her back down. "I'll just wait for my son Kongar, and then I will skin him out," Balgay laughed. He was about to whip them all hard when he stopped to look at Halime Sultan. She gave him a dirty look. "Ha! I have a better idea! If you want to save him, then our little princess here must obey me," he said, gesturing to Halime. "No Balgay! Kill me if you have the courage!" Batur protested. Aygul, Zohre, and Dundar were in tears. "Why are you dragging the women into this Balgay?" Gunduz asked. "Obey me or drink his blood!" he demanded. Just as he was about to kill him, Halime put up a hand. "Tamam! Tell me what you want you Mongol filth," Halime shouted.

Cerkutay was leering at all the alps, walking and stopping in front of all of them one by one. "Ah, Samsa Cavus. You were a greatly respected bey, but know you have fallen to the rank of dogs!" Cerkutay laughed. "We fall to the rank of martyrs, Allah-u-Akbar!" Samsa said bravely.  He went to Abdurrahman and looked at him, a little shocked. "Wow Abdurrahman Gazi, you really do live it out," he sneered. He slowly walked around the rest of everyone until he was satisfied that they wouldn't dare to do anything. But Cerkutay was still scared. 

 "First, you shall all treat me with respect! Second, you will bring me ayran and meat. If you disobey me, I shall make you drink his blood," Balgay replied, trying to sound fierce. "Tamam gidiyorum!" Halime exclaimed, filled with anger. She got up and stormed off to the dinner tent. She looked back carefully and put some of the poison in the ayran and rubbed the dry poison on meat to season it. She took it to Balgay and put it down in front of him. She quickly went back to her spot so that she doesn't get caught quickly. He was about to start drinking when he started acting suspicious. Selcan prayed deep down that she wasn't caught, but indeed she was. He pulled her and stuffed the ayran down her mouth. "Drink woman! Or else you'll drink his blood!" Halime had almost started drinking but was interrupted by the beating of the drums. Balgay and everyone else quickly shuffled outside to have a look, the soldiers still holding onto everyone. They looked and saw Osman, Hayal, and Emine coming on their horses with Kongar in their hands. "Kongar! My son!" Balgay yelped and rushed down. Kongar looked defeated and Hayal had one of the proudest smiles on his face. But when Osman looked at everyone, his eyes set on Halime Sultan. 


A/N: Osman sees his mother! Sorry for the late update you guys (had a bunch of schoolwork again) but I hope you enjoyed this chapter (even though it was prob kinda boring) so... yeah.


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